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wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
I am sitting here crying....what a day!
So this is day three with no voice....which is awesome teaching kindergarteners with too, I might add
so I wake up with a headache today - and no voice again....booo
then one of my kids at school has a bad day - he colors out of the lines on the frog project we are doing....and freaks out (I think I can still hear him screaming and crying about "the FRRRROOOOOOGGGGGG") - I try for 20 minutes to explain its ok....but to no avail...then as stipulated to do once I tell him its ok, I leave him to "relax" and calm down on the rug - where he spends another 15 shreiking I plead with him to go to lunch with his "friends" and finally he gets it under control...I pop another more tylenol cursing the fact I am still pumping and can't go home and have a drink later.....then I don't get to pump anyway b/c I make sure said child who freaked out is ok....
I stay an extra 1/2 hr at school doing book graphs and double checking running records.....dh thankfully goes and picks up dd at daycare and we meet up at home.....pull into the driveway together....
I come home to fil telling me he coughed up blood...that is my 74 yr old fil who has a heart condition and lots of other health problems...but casually mentions he did this like its nothing....I freak, dh freaks, we spend a half hr convincing him he should go the er....
I am also taking care of dd who is awesome and so easy - she can always sense when things are off and is on her best behavior...she makes dh and I smile...we formulate a plan.....dh will take fil to hospital - i will take care of dd...put her to sleep, feed her, etc....and off he goes...
they get to the hospital - the one dh is afraid of since his mom passed away there (and numerous other people we know have gone in and out of fine since but he still has the fear, I guess we both do..) but naturally the one fil agrees to go;s' blood pressure is through the roof....they put him in a room and now my poor dh (and his friend who i called) still sit waiting with fil while they try to figure out why he coughed up blood, and is having more trouble breathing than normal.....
stupidly, i go online and look through old pics of dd when she was she is getting so big....i think of my day and type through my tears.....
thanks for letting me get it out....
Posted 6/7/07 9:17 PM |
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Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
For your FIL
Posted 6/7/07 9:20 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 1347 total posts
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Lots of hugs!!!
Cry it out - sometimes it helps!
I'm sorry life is so stressful right now. I will pray for FIL tonight.
Posted 6/7/07 9:20 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
thanks - i feel better posting - its good to get off my was just a long day and my headached will not go away!!!
Posted 6/7/07 9:21 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Awwww.... sweetie- I am so sorry you had such a rough day. You can have a glass of wine you know, even if you are still pumping.
Posted 6/7/07 9:22 PM |
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Posted 6/7/07 9:46 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Posted 6/7/07 9:53 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
We've all had our days! We're here for ya!
Posted 6/7/07 10:05 PM |
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Posted 6/7/07 10:09 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
You've definitely had a rough day! If I were you I would pump whatever is left, and then opour yourself a big glass of wine. I promise you one glass is more than fine even if you fed DD not too long after. You definitely deserve a drink!
Posted 6/7/07 10:14 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Posted by nferrandi
You've definitely had a rough day! If I were you I would pump whatever is left, and then opour yourself a big glass of wine. I promise you one glass is more than fine even if you fed DD not too long after. You definitely deserve a drink!
thanks - dh just called - they saw a spot on his lung now so fil could have pneumonia, something serious (his wife, my mil died of lung cancer when they saw a spot on an xray ) or it could be nothing....luckily dh's best friend is with him and such a good guy....wish I could be there....
on a happy note, my dd is happily napping in her crib for the night...and watchign her makes me smile....
Posted 6/7/07 10:58 PM |
My boys!

Member since 1/06 5292 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
Posted 6/7/07 11:03 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: I am sitting here crying....what a day!
awww, what a long rough day you had, Diedre
I hope your FIL is ok
and I hope your students are on their best behavior tomorrow!
Posted 6/7/07 11:04 PM |