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Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

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Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

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Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

Chloe will be starting daycare 5 days a week in September at 8 months old. I have no idea what to dress her in. I know comfy is probably best for clothes, but what about her feet? This may sound so stupid, but do I put her in shoes like Robeez? She has never worn any as of yet, in fact, she has been barefoot for the past couple of months! I am so lost...

Posted 7/17/09 4:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Pooh Bear

Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

DD started daycare at 7.5 months. She was pulling up to standing, but not walking. I did put socks and Robeez on her. I dress her in nice clothes, but mostly made of cotton and I rarely put a dress or skirt on her because it doesnt seem practical. HTH!

Posted 7/17/09 4:51 PM

April Baby Girl is Here!

Member since 12/07

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

My ds started at daycare around the same age, but that was in the winter. I always dressed him in onesies because he never kept his socks on.

Now I may send him in with shoes w/o socks (like pedipeds) or I'll put him in sandals.

Posted 7/17/09 4:51 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

My DD started daycare in Sept of last year when she was 7 months also.

I dressed Chelsea in the same clothes I would dress her in at home. She didn't wear shoes, just socks until she started walking and they started going outside in the spring.

Usually when I went to pick her up she was barefoot anyway because she always pulled off her socks too!

Posted 7/17/09 4:52 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

I always dress her how I would dress her at home. Dresses, pants, everything!

At that age my DD was not walking - she either wore socks or robeez/pediped type shoes.

Posted 7/17/09 4:54 PM

A new beginning

Member since 2/07

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

DS is a bit younger, but he is always in pants/ shorts and a onsie and top. He were's socks.

Posted 7/17/09 5:00 PM

My Girl!!!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

I dress DD in what i would dress her in at home dresses, pants, shorts as for shoes I bring her barefoot in the morning and put a matching pair of sandals for the afternoon with her change of clothes

Posted 7/17/09 5:17 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

Regular washable clothes and robeez are fine for day care. I usually save the nicer stuff for the weekends, just so I can appreciate the outfits. Chat Icon

My day care definitely wants you to put shoes on your child even if they're not walking.

Posted 7/17/09 5:20 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"


I also put her in lil pants/shorts if it was warm enough but basically just lil onesies or sleep n plays (lots of those)

sleep n plays had lil footsies on it so no issue there.

Otherwise socks if I could, but never shoes. She wasnt walking or standing so it made no sense. For a while we sent her in with shoes for standing and jumping etc but she'd just kick them off. But we did try. Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/09 5:20 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

At that age (heck even now) I have comfy clothes for DS. In the early fall he wears a t-shirt and cotton pants and I keep a hoody in his bin if it's cooler. As we move into winter it's usually thermal tops and fleece sweat pants. In the summer it's t-shirts and cotton shorts.

Up until he started pulling up he was always in socks. Once he started pulling up and walking assisted (holding shelves, toys...other kids) we put him in shoes.

Posted 7/17/09 6:03 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

I dress DS in clothes mostly from Chilldrens Place, Old Navy and Carters

I save his cuter/ clothes I dont want messed up for the weekend

Lots of comfy clothes are key. I used robeez and socks when he was not walking and crawling. I used shoes when he started to walk.

Sometimes when I want him to look real cute I send him in the fancier clothes but it really is about comfort at school

Posted 7/17/09 8:39 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

Member since 6/06

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Baby Momma

Re: Daycare Moms: How do you dress DC for "school?"

i put him in soft, cotton type clothes from Carters for daycare. He's just starting to cruise, but I still keep him in socks or barefoot. He says his nicer outfits when we are out with friends or family. Honestly, this way I do not care what happens to them.

Posted 7/17/09 8:41 PM

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