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Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Message edited 11/16/2011 5:48:41 PM.
Posted 1/18/08 4:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by racheeeee
You do know I am not stupid... [email protected] spells a completely inappropriate email address.
Don't worry, thats where I will send your regret letter.
Signed, you didn't meet the criteria anyway.
Just think of the excitement this person would add to your office staff
Posted 1/18/08 4:03 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
Posted by imthecindyofcindyandkevin
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
so I shouldn't even consider the guy whose email addy is
[email protected]?
seemed like a nice stable guy
Babe, what was the one that you got from the guy who attached a plastic fork to his application??
"I want this job so bad I can taste it" That was hilarious!
Posted 1/18/08 4:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/07 2660 total posts
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
My husband once interviewed a guy for a job. He had some reservations but he figured he would give him a chance. When he called his cell phone, the message was, "Sorry I didn't take your call. It's not that I'm busy. It's just that I don't want to talk to your sorry a$$!" Hubby just hung up and went to the next name on the list.
Posted 1/18/08 5:26 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Oh lord. Best- we HIRED someone whose email addy is BigWilly7468273 whatever at yahoo or something. His name is William, but seriously. C'mon people.
Posted 1/18/08 5:28 PM |
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted 1/18/08 5:45 PM |
Member since 2/07 2029 total posts
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by racheeeee
You do know I am not stupid... [email protected] spells a completely inappropriate email address.
Don't worry, thats where I will send your regret letter.
Signed, you didn't meet the criteria anyway.
while the email address is not appropriate for a job app, i dont think its right to post someone's personal email in a public forum without their permission.. jmo
Posted 1/18/08 7:07 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by Tabitha
Posted by racheeeee
You do know I am not stupid... [email protected] spells a completely inappropriate email address.
Don't worry, thats where I will send your regret letter.
Signed, you didn't meet the criteria anyway.
while the email address is not appropriate for a job app, i dont think its right to post someone's personal email in a public forum without their permission.. jmo
Don't worry...its not the real email address. I am not stupid (As I have said in my initial post)
Posted 1/18/08 7:09 PM |
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
HAAAA I heart you Phyl.
Posted 1/18/08 8:25 PM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by Mrs. Patticakes
HAAAA I heart you Phyl.
Posted 1/18/08 8:26 PM |
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Damn - I ought to change MY email address - I am scrumptiousbum1973 though
Posted 1/18/08 9:35 PM |
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted 1/18/08 10:09 PM |
We are complete <3
Member since 12/07 6299 total posts
Name: April
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
I had someone email me about a job--email address
Yeah. Not so much
Posted 1/18/08 10:10 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1826 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
So funny!!! What are people thinking??
Posted 1/18/08 10:40 PM |
Love my little boy!

Member since 6/05 2489 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by Kara
I'd address the letter to Scrumptious Bum.
OMG, you should totally do that!
Posted 1/18/08 10:49 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by Kara
People are sooooo dumb. Like it's that hard to make up another, more professional email address FOR FREE when looking for a job.
I'd address the letter to Scrumptious Bum.
Posted 1/18/08 11:46 PM |

Member since 5/05 4230 total posts
Name: .
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted by MrsMessina
you mean you don't like my email address?
j/k- that's hysterical!!!
I was thinking the SAME thing!!!!
Posted 1/19/08 9:26 AM |
Happy Spring!!!

Member since 12/07 2151 total posts
Name: Rena Marie
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Any smart person would know that you should have a more professional email for that type of stuff. Thank god you didn't consider them. i can just imagine the person.
Posted 1/19/08 3:26 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
Posted 1/19/08 4:22 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
The email address thing is so stupid. I remember in college they made a big deal about it and any time I've done tutoring or admissions stuff with students and they've had wacky emaila ddresses I've told them to get a more professional email address. i mean honestly. I don't care if it's not entirely professional when i hire people..I have someone who is zipposomething, and other random things, but a phrase like that is just absurdly stupid. Who does that?
I have an interesting job applicant story.
My territory is HUGE so after doing the phone interview, we have remote people who perform in-person interviews and report back to us. My co-worker was dealing with this woman who interviewed before Christmas. The interviewer told her he felt she did really well, etc (he's not supposed to give them an answer), and she called up a few weeks later (it was the holidays so we didn't get to her right away) assuming she was hired. My co-worker told her she's not hired, she actually has to go through the training process before she is officially hired. Candidate was apparently really turned off and insulted by this?? It makes no sense because the interview/training process is very clearly spelled out in the phone interview... So my co-worker told her we are working out a training schedule and we'll get back to her (we's hard to set these things up remotely). Fast forward to last week, I get this incredibly nasty message from the candidate saying she's being jerked around and she is very upset and she's writing a letter to the corporate office, etc etc. I was like .
So yesterday I opened mail addressed to my co-worker (she wasn't in and I was waiting for something addressed to her), and the candidate wrote this incredibly nasty letter talking about the above and calling my co-worker out, etc etc.
I read the letter aloud to the office for some amusement and said "oh yeah, I'm just aching to hire you now!"
Granted it took us awhile to get back to her, but use some common sense! Other candidates in the same situation politely call or email and ask about the status, she gave usa whole diatribe. There is NO way we can hire her now.
Stupid lady.
Posted 1/19/08 4:34 PM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
I'm a high school guidance counselor and college admission counselor and I cannot tell you the number of times I had to remind students to make up a new simple email address - when I was on the receiving end of the applications at the college, we got so so many apps. with emails addresses filled in with things like sexyb1tch69@... from 17 year old kids!!!!
Posted 1/19/08 7:00 PM |
I'm going to be a big brother!

Member since 6/07 1860 total posts
Name: Betty
Re: Dear Job Applicant,
What if I really do have a scrumptious bum?
Posted 1/19/08 7:31 PM |
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