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Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Just curious....I didnt, and Im wondering what month you tried for& why!

Posted 8/13/07 9:35 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Loves

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did. I didn't want to be pregnant during the summer and I wanted a spring baby so we tried to get pregnant in July and I got pregnant on the 1st tryChat Icon

Posted 8/13/07 9:39 AM

My girls

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Nope, just went with the flow...

Posted 8/13/07 9:43 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

We did....I wanted a baby in May so that I could take the end of the school year off and then have the summer with the baby, since I'm a teacher.
Her original due date was June, but she was actually born in May, so it worked out perfectly!

Posted 8/13/07 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did with Jared. I was teaching at the time so I got pregnant in September and had him in June.
I'm going to try to do it again with #2. Planning for October 08.

Posted 8/13/07 9:48 AM


Member since 4/07

2080 total posts


Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

not planned with DD (june, 06), but we are def def trying to plan this one...why??

the way i see it- having a may or june baby next year will be easy with DD- shell be 2, well be taking her everywhere and its easy to take a newborn everywhere, like the beach and zoo and places like that.....

now, if it ended up being later, no harm done, i dont mind being preggo thru the summer at all- BUT, the big downfall is now, the FOLLOWING summer, when DD is 3 and the baby is 7/8/9/10 months old, thats just a tough age, bc they HATE to sit still, dont want to be in the car seats and stuff like that (well, this is based on my DD ate that age, who was extremely mobile....)

we'll see........

Posted 8/13/07 9:52 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did not want to be PG in the summer. I got PG once month after our "scheduled" month. So Ethan was born in June instead of May.

Posted 8/13/07 9:56 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Yes. My MIL is born in October and had 3 sons and 5 grandsons--no daughters or granddaughters. She was always saying that she had a lot of opal jewelry (Oct's stone) and that one of us would have to have an October girl so she could pass it on. Well, since we were going to TTC anyway, I thought it would be funny if we had an October baby girl. I decided to give myself some "lead time" and started TTC in December. Well, we had the girl, but the 1st time was a charm--Katherine is our September girl!!

With Abigail, I learned my lesson as a teacher and decided that having a baby on the first day of school (as Kate was) was not "prime time" and since I was leaving my job, I thought I'd finish out the school year and hopefully have a June baby. I gave myself another month's lead time and TTC in August--again, 1st time was a charm--Abigail is our May baby!!

ETA...if I have a 3rd, I would like for him/her to be born *around* 9/09--around when Katherine will be entering Pre-K 5 days a week.

Message edited 8/13/2007 10:00:49 AM.

Posted 8/13/07 9:59 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

We didn't with DS, but I will probably "try" to the next time around. I was only able to take 3 weeks off with DS, but if I can plan to have the next one in mid-late June, then I will be off until mid-September.

Posted 8/13/07 10:01 AM

My green-eyed boy

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Yes, I'm a teacher & wanted to have her the beginning of the summer. I was also a summer baby & loved having my parties in the summer & being home from school & we just figured it was a good time of year to have baby (no dealing w/ having to heat up the car & big bulky blankets, etc.)

DD was born 7/7/07

Posted 8/13/07 10:02 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

no I didn't but with #2, I am going to try to get pregnant around the same time (july) so that I will be pregnant in the winter and not the summer

Posted 8/13/07 10:03 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Yes, but it didn't work!!

Posted 8/13/07 10:04 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did try to plan - but then it took 11 months to get pregnant -- so that plan didn't work

Posted 8/13/07 10:08 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I didn't want to be pregnant in the summer, but, we concieved in the spring , so, therefore, I was pregnant for the summer.

We basically went with the flow. It really didn't matter. Just wanted that BFP.

I had a Jan. Baby. Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/07 10:11 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did with Julia because I wanted a summer baby, so we started trying the end of October, we are TTC now and I want a spring baby this time since I was very swollen in the summer and got preclampsia 2 weeks before having Julia.

Posted 8/13/07 10:15 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did. DH and I both have winter birthdays and we have huge families. Sounds stupid but I wanted my child to have a summer birthday so that I can have big birthdays outside.

I didn't even think about DH being home from school to help me out all summer - that was the best.

I will try to plan #2 in either April, May, June or July....I like that DH gets to spend lots of time with them - and the next time around will also be a c section and it was great to have him home for the recovery.

Posted 8/13/07 10:15 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Posted by SweetCin

DD was born 7/7/07

Julia was born the same day, different year 05!

Posted 8/13/07 10:17 AM


Member since 8/07

1962 total posts


Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

we did i didnt want to be pregnant in the summer i hate the heat not preganant so the idea of being big in the summer was something i didnt want it worked for us we conceived in april aand had our son end of december

Posted 8/13/07 10:54 AM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Not month per se, but definitely season. DW didn't want to deliver during the winter, since the odds of a bad storm is much higher, and we didn't want to have her go into labor when the entire island is shut down for a snow emergency! Summer is too hot to be 8-9 months pregnant. Spring is a good time to have a kid, in our opinion.

Posted 8/13/07 11:03 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

No, both my pg were were unplanned. But if we go for #3, they I definitely will try for another summer baby. I have no desire to be pg during the summer. Plus, I really liked being on maternity leave during the summer. I was able to get out with the baby and not be cooped up in the house.

Posted 8/13/07 11:10 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did not plan for any specific month or even time of year...just was ready to start trying!

Posted 8/13/07 11:11 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

No, we didn't, but I'd like to "try" for this with our next baby. It worked out perfectly last time because I got pregnant in late September and had the baby the last week of school, so I had the whole summer off and I didn't have to mess around with maternity leave. I just got my regular pay. I'd love it if it could work out that way. I'd try for a May baby next time, though because I get one month's maternity leave from work, then I'd have June, July and August off as well. But, I am also realistic and know that not everything works out that way.

Posted 8/13/07 11:16 AM

Mom to two boys :)

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(pronounced Yola)

Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

I did...

DH and I are both summer babies and we want to have all our children to be summer babies..

Its great to have pool parties, bbq parties, every type of outdoor party.

For our first child, I was aiming for a July baby like I am Chat Icon and our EDD was July 1st (close call) and our Chat Icon was born on 7-5 Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/07 11:24 AM

Almost there!

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

We didn't but will try with the second. I'd like a Spring or late Summer/early Fall baby. I had DD in December and though we got out a bit, it would've been a lot easier and motivating if we had more favorable weather.

Posted 8/13/07 11:26 AM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Did you try to plan the month your DC was born?

Yes - we had a really tight window to get pregnant - we could only try in August and September because of my job. Ended up getting pregnant in August and was supposed to have a May baby - but she came 2 weeks early and is our little April baby!

I would definitely try and plan it again with number 2 - Spring babies are great for moms in education!

Posted 8/13/07 11:43 AM
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