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Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

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LIF Zygote

Member since 4/06

26 total posts


Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I've been having a hard time eating. I haven’t been in the mood for much at all and I tend to get grossed out by things I used to like a lot.
All I can eat right now is cereal and fruit.
Is this considered morning sickness even though I haven’t been throwing up? Was anyone else like this during their first trimester?
I’m nervous that I’m not eating enough for the baby but it’s just so hard! Any tips?

Posted 1/7/08 3:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

Eat what you can, when you can. Remember to stay hydrated.

All I was able to eat in my first trimester for almost three weeks were bagels, so as long as you eat something, you'l be fine.Chat Icon

Posted 1/7/08 4:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/06

1050 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I remeber wanting NOTING (even past 1st tri) What about bagels? just eat what you can and keep taking vitamins!

Posted 1/7/08 4:11 PM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

welcome to morning sickness!

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eta , try to stay hydrated but i cant even stand water. so i drink anythig i can. I am hooked on gingerale.

Message edited 1/7/2008 4:13:22 PM.

Posted 1/7/08 4:11 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I ate grilled cheese every night for weeks when I was 1st pg. It was the only thing that didn't make me nauseous.

Posted 1/7/08 4:15 PM

Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06

7392 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I had really bad food aversions my first trimester also. I couldn't stand the sight of most foods, except for McDonald's breakfast for some reason. I felt so guilty but I just ate what I could stomach.

As long as you are taking your prenatals and drinking water, eat what you can, your baby is getting enough.

Posted 1/7/08 4:18 PM

Love him!

Member since 10/07

3189 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I was not sick at all, but I wasn't hungry either per say. I ate what I could and remember....the baby will take from you what it needs!!!! Just eat whatever appeals to you for now! It got better for me around 15 weeks!

Posted 1/7/08 4:19 PM

He is the reason!

Member since 2/06

2512 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

i never threw up, however, i had a bad aversion to most foods....especially meat! i could barely stomach anything.

Posted 1/7/08 4:19 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I was totally the same way. Lost 15 lbs in the first trimester. I haven't gained anything back yet. My morning sickness is less than it was before but I still have a limited appetite. I eat much smaller meals and I am not a fan of meat right now.

Message edited 1/7/2008 4:32:54 PM.

Posted 1/7/08 4:31 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/06

26 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

so helpful. thank you!

Posted 1/7/08 4:43 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

5648 total posts


Re: Difficult time eating in the 1st trimester??

I remember feeling the same way.....I just ate whatever appealed to me (which wasn't much---mostly carbs) I had a bad aversion to any bbq'd meat and would actually feel sick/grossed out walking my dog around our neighborhood over the summer while people were cooking out

Posted 1/7/08 4:57 PM

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