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Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

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Member since 5/05

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Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I want to board Bailey this weekend but they said he needs all his shots.

I hate giving him all those vaccinesChat Icon

Posted 2/5/07 12:45 PM
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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

yes I do.

Posted 2/5/07 12:54 PM

can hardly wait

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I wish that he didn't need them so often, but I take Gus all over the place, the beach, the parks, he goes to day he needs them in case he gets bit by another dog, or plays with another dog that is sick....

Posted 2/5/07 1:03 PM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I just don't understand why you wouldn't give them all his shots?

Don't you give your son all his shots?

Im seriously asking not trying to be rude Im new to this pet stuff.

Posted 2/5/07 1:25 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by june262004

I just don't understand why you wouldn't give them all his shots?

Don't you give your son all his shots?

Im seriously asking not trying to be rude Im new to this pet stuff.

I actually only give Andrew the shots he must have.

And my dog I only give him Rabies. I don't think all those vaccines that the vet makes a dog get are necessary.

I also think it is a money making thing when they make you get vaccines before boarding.

The vet told me I could get him the shots the same day I drop him off. I don't understand how the vaccines could get in him that fastChat Icon

Posted 2/5/07 1:45 PM

My life:)

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by 5ofClubs

Posted by june262004

I just don't understand why you wouldn't give them all his shots?

Don't you give your son all his shots?

Im seriously asking not trying to be rude Im new to this pet stuff.

I actually only give Andrew the shots he must have.

And my dog I only give him Rabies. I don't think all those vaccines that the vet makes a dog get are necessary.

I also think it is a money making thing when they make you get vaccines before boarding.

The vet told me I could get him the shots the same day I drop him off. I don't understand how the vaccines could get in him that fastChat Icon

I absolutely toally 100% agree with you. My Max only gets his Rabies shot every year.

I believe that certain vets thrive off these periodic vaccinations. Max has had some serious skin alergies when he turned 1 and we spent hundreds of $$ on going to the vets and trying to find out what was the cause. In the meantime, they would squeeze in a whole bunch of other stuff the he "needed" and we were going to be in trouble if we continued to spend that kind of $$. Well, we stopped going and I actually read up on the skin allergies and found out that my dog was suffering from food allergies. We started feeding him fish only and my dog's skin cleared up IMMEDIATELY! He still gets them occassionally (bc he picks our garbage sometimes) but other than that he is perferctly healthy.

Posted 2/5/07 1:58 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

It is important for your dogs and cats to have all their shots especially if they go outside and especially if you have children.

Posted 2/5/07 2:14 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by 5ofClubs

Posted by june262004

I just don't understand why you wouldn't give them all his shots?

Don't you give your son all his shots?

Im seriously asking not trying to be rude Im new to this pet stuff.

I actually only give Andrew the shots he must have.

And my dog I only give him Rabies. I don't think all those vaccines that the vet makes a dog get are necessary.

I also think it is a money making thing when they make you get vaccines before boarding.

The vet told me I could get him the shots the same day I drop him off. I don't understand how the vaccines could get in him that fastChat Icon

If your dog is entering into a kennel situation then at the bare minimum you should have Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella. There are a bunch of others you can get too, but like you I am hesitant to get them all (especially on my tiny dogs). Things like Lepto I opt not to get for my littlest dogs, b/c the vaccination is not consistent in dogs under 10 lbs & even less so in dogs under 5 lbs.

The reason why the three I mentioned above are necessary before boarding is b/c they present the most prevalent threat to a dog in a kennel/close quarter situation.Chat Icon

Posted 2/5/07 2:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by 5ofClubs

The vet told me I could get him the shots the same day I drop him off. I don't understand how the vaccines could get in him that fastChat Icon

This would bother me too. From what I can recall the bordatella shot needs a few days to take effect. The rabies shot is immediate, from what I receall.

Posted 2/5/07 2:19 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by 5ofClubs

The vet told me I could get him the shots the same day I drop him off. I don't understand how the vaccines could get in him that fastChat Icon

This would bother me too. From what I can recall the bordatella shot needs a few days to take effect. The rabies shot is immediate, from what I receall.

Yeah, if not a week or two on the Bordatella ... we needed to get them before boarding the boys, and while we were at the vet appt to get them done, the vet tech said she was a pet sitter and would come to our house and take care of them so we didn't need to board! So our vet definitely isn't pushing vaccines for the $$$$.

Posted 2/5/07 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Intial shots I think are worth it, Boosters are a waste and I think vets use them to get money IMO.

Posted 2/5/07 2:29 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

My 2 cents: I take my dog to the park so he gets all the shots. I have opossums in my yard once in a while so he gets lepto. too. There are raccoons and possums on LI and if you go to the park with your dog, you should get lepto. (as well as all the others).

If the vet makes $$, I don't care as long as my dog is safe and healthy. Let's face it, we all make $$ from our professions. If you think your vet is taking advantage of you, find a vet you trust.

I stopped giving Ebony bortadella...and I believe he actually had kennel cough before he died. He died of meningitis but I think his immune system was worn down by kennel cough -- although my vet tested him and said it came up negative, when we got Scout he developed the same kind of cough - and it was kennel cough.

ETA -- I will now be sure to have Scout get ALL his shots, and keep them up to date - better safe than sorry!

Message edited 2/5/2007 2:56:56 PM.

Posted 2/5/07 2:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I also wanted to add that my larger dogs do get all their shots b/c they are outside constantly & have much more risk of actually getting things like Lepto & Parvo, and since they are both over 15 lbs they do not face the same risk. My smaller dogs are indoor dogs for the most part & we do not bring them to the dog park.

Posted 2/5/07 3:02 PM

I'm a mom!

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

yes, I believe in giving my dog all of his shots, he goes outside, plays with other dogs, and recently now that we moved we will have to board him when we go away since we dont have family or friends with us to watch him...If the vet makes money off of keeping my dog healthy, so be it...Chat Icon

Posted 2/5/07 3:46 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I see you posted this last year Chat Icon

Posted 2/5/07 4:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

I gave ALL suggested by vet... why wouldnt you... it just to protect them.

If you take your dog on walk, if they socializ with other dogs (all thing he/she SHOULD be doing) YOu have to get them.

Dont worry.. im sure its more painful for you than to dog. My pup didnt even flinch when he got them. They made him VERY sleepy for a day though.

Posted 2/6/07 7:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Message edited 2/6/2007 7:52:41 PM.

Posted 2/6/07 7:52 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

100%. While I understand that people may overvaccinate their dogs, I take Misty everywhere and we live in Eastern Suffolk so I really don't want her to get sick and die from any bizarre virus. I have her vaccinated against everything including lepto.

ETA: I know what Kara went through with Ebony and my friend lost her dog to Lepto (in their yard, they never took the dog anywhere) so I don't care what it costs - I don't want my dog to die of something I can protect her from. $$$$ or no $$$$. If you are concerned about the vet making money take the dog to a low cost vaccine thingy at Petco or your local shelter.

Message edited 2/7/2007 10:08:47 AM.

Posted 2/7/07 10:04 AM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Bella gets all of her shots, I even opted for the lyme disease shot. My grandmothers dog was diagnosed with Lyme disease and he is very sick and on a ton of medicine to manage it, and I would never want Bella to go through that!!

Posted 2/7/07 12:09 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

yes i more than ever, b/c we have a lot of wild animals in our area and I wouldn't want them to get sick

Posted 2/7/07 1:53 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

In addition to distemper, bordatello,and rabies (required for boarding), Luna gets the Lyme vaccine. We have deer in our backyard all the time and we're constantly finding ticks on her.....

Posted 2/7/07 2:42 PM

I'm a mommy :)

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?


Posted 2/7/07 10:39 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Our dogs just got their boosters and 3 year rabies shot in Dec. We had debated lepto and bordatella. Since there are raccoons everywhere in our neighborhood, we got them lepto. We haven't had to board them so we did not do bordatella and won't unless we ever have to board them. I do believe in vaccines though, both in animals and children.

Message edited 2/8/2007 7:25:11 AM.

Posted 2/8/07 7:24 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Daniela -- Ebony was never once boarded...yet I believe he got kennel cough from another dog at the dog park. If I could do it all again, I would not have stopped giving him the vaccine..

Posted 2/8/07 8:42 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you believe in vaccines for your dog?

Posted by june262004

I see you posted this last year Chat Icon

I know. I have not given him anything but rabies since that post.

I am so torn but I have decided based on my own research and this forum to get Bailey the needed vaccines to be boarded.

Thank you all for your inputChat Icon

Posted 2/8/07 9:54 AM
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