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Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
Just wondering
Posted 12/3/08 11:05 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
Just a healthy diet, like I had been doing for about 6 months leading up to the IVF. Lots of whole grains, fruits, fish, etc...
Posted 12/3/08 11:11 AM |
Need to find some hope!

Member since 2/08 2485 total posts
Name: Beth -Ann
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
I went a little nutso with diet on my first IVF cycle. Lots of steamed spinach, everything organic, nothing cold (no ice cream etc..), only room temp water, no sugar, high fiber carbs only, no soda, no coffee, no caffeine, only red raspberry leaf tea up until ER, fish oil supplements, anit-oxidant juices (acai), grape seed oil extract, wheat grass powder...oh there must be more that I am forgetting. Basically everything my acu said I did. I wasn't so strict with my next 2 cycles. But, I will say that I lost weight on my first IVF cycle and gained on the others. So, something good came out of all that.
Posted 12/3/08 11:24 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
My acup. has me drinking one-two cups of cinnamon tea per day, supposed to help with blood flow to the uterus and in general. (i'm usually cold all the time).
He said to stay away from dairy and peanut butter andto eat red meat. ALso, no processed foods, cut back on sugar. No caffeine, which isn't aproblem fo rme anyway b/c I don't drink coffee or soda and the tea is herbal caffeine free.
**also, no pedicures and massages for the 2ww.**
Message edited 12/3/2008 2:14:07 PM.
Posted 12/3/08 12:39 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
I ate pineapple core like it was going out of style.
And I tried to stay away from processed sugars.
Posted 12/3/08 2:03 PM |
Onward and Upward!
Member since 2/08 3210 total posts
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
My accupuncturist recommended no cold or raw foods/drinks. I just ate healthy and tried to avoid foods high in sugar.
Posted 12/3/08 2:22 PM |
When will my ship come in?

Member since 9/07 1056 total posts
Name: J
Re: Do you follow any special diet during IVF?
Posted by Bxgell2
Just a healthy diet, like I had been doing for about 6 months leading up to the IVF. Lots of whole grains, fruits, fish, etc...
I did the same.
Posted 12/3/08 2:56 PM |