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Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Do you let your child(ren)......????
Pull the cushions off the couch and jump on them? I know, it's a ridiculous question, but I don't let Ava do it, and some days I just want to say, "Go for it kid! You'll have a blast!" but then I can see her doing this alllllllllllllllll the time, then it would lead to the inevitable split lip/cracked skull/broken arm/insert injury here, etc.. and then I go back to mean mom who just can't get over the potential risk of this. Not to mention my poor couch would take a beating. So, do you let your kid?
Posted 2/6/09 5:36 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
I don't let him take off the actual couch cushions but the three throw pillows that came with the couch - and my three decorative pilliows. He likes to do "Belly Flops" on them
I wouldn't go for the actual cushions coming would just annoy me to put them back on!
Posted 2/6/09 5:38 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No but she hasn't tried to ....yet.
We do it with the bed pillows tho.
Posted 2/6/09 5:38 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No! It's bad enough my kids think my couch is a trampolene! They have taken to jumping from the couch to the ottoman about 3 feet away. There have been a few cries. I figure if they hurt themselves enough, they'll stop doing it.
Posted 2/6/09 5:38 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No and I know exactly what you mean. I often find Katherine jumping on the bed or the couch and I never let her do it. I tell her if she wants to bounce on the bed she needs to do it on her hands and knees--how totally lame is that?!? 
Posted 2/6/09 5:39 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No because then she thinks she can do it anytime. I caught her jumping on her bed today and I scolded her. I was on the phone with my MIL at the time, and she said "oh, that's my fault, I let her jump on the bed"
Posted 2/6/09 5:39 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Ok, so I'm not the only one! hahahaha. I do let her do the belly flops on the pillows that came from the couch, but she's clearly showing signs of wanting to graduate from that
Posted 2/6/09 5:42 PM |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
I let her sometimes with our couch, but only in the living room b/c we have a rug. My dads sofa I dont let her, tho she wants to b/c he has wooden floors. and afraid of her getting injured.
Posted 2/6/09 5:44 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
oooh, when the day comes in a few years, no, I won't let him do it! I totally envision a cracked skull or something else horrible.....
Posted 2/6/09 5:53 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No, as my mother always said,,the couch is to sit on, not jump on. If they are allowed to do it at home, they will think it's okay to do at other homes as well.
Posted 2/6/09 5:58 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Posted by Sweets13
No, as my mother always said,,the couch is to sit on, not jump on. If they are allowed to do it at home, they will think it's okay to do at other homes as well.
this is the reason I don't let me kids jump on my couch too - also I don't want them to fall off and get hurt
Posted 2/6/09 6:00 PM |
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No. Ryan has tried to jump on the couch, but I don't allow that either. He would RUIN my couch cushions and probably hurt himself too... NOT GOOD!
Posted 2/6/09 6:10 PM |
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
I think it depends on the kid. I was such a tame child and this was the one thing I did that was a bit "rough and tumble." When I wasn't jumping on the couch cushions, I was reading books. I'll let my son do it because I have such fun memories of it!!!!! If he's totally out of control everywhere we go, I'll crack down.
Posted 2/6/09 6:28 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
we don't have cushions that come off the couch but Kaitee loves to take the pillows off and play with them. It doesn't bug me. She lines them up and pretends they are trains, and she jumps like crazy on them. As long as she puts them back on the couch then I don't mind.
Posted 2/6/09 6:38 PM |
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
They don't jump on the couch and once in a blue moon *I* will take all the pillows off, put them in a pile and let them jump on them . They aren't aloud to do it themselves though.
Posted 2/6/09 7:06 PM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No!.... god I'm going to sound like my Mother but here goes... couches are for sitting, not jumping!
Posted 2/6/09 7:13 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Nope but her Aunt does so she gets her fill at her cousin's house.
Posted 2/6/09 7:26 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
I let him do it on occassion when I think we have been in too long. He is not aloud to jump on the beds or couches.
Message edited 2/6/2009 8:03:15 PM.
Posted 2/6/09 7:38 PM |
Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
nope - and she is in a real jumping mode lately. She gave herself a black eye jumping in her crib
Posted 2/6/09 7:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Only when I need a sanity break....I'll tell them they can go down to the basement and make their "pool". they take all the cushions off, set up a huge blanket like a silde and go to town.
Keeps them occuipied for ever!
Posted 2/6/09 7:46 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Lucky for me my cushions are attached to my couch, so if he pulled them off he'd be in BIG trouble.
But, if they were removable, I would not let him do so. He jumps on the bed, down the stairs, on the chairs - he doesn't need another place to do so. He's very active so I always worry he'll hurt himself.
Posted 2/6/09 7:52 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
We don't have the option - both the seat and the back cushions are attached
Posted 2/6/09 8:25 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
No. I'd rather not have them split. But they can take them off & make forts with them.
eta. In the past, I've also brought the blow up pool in the house for them to play with.
Message edited 2/6/2009 8:35:39 PM.
Posted 2/6/09 8:34 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Not my couch but I do let them jump on my bed (only with me there)
Posted 2/6/09 8:35 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Do you let your child(ren)......????
Posted by Sweets13
No, as my mother always said,,the couch is to sit on, not jump on. If they are allowed to do it at home, they will think it's okay to do at other homes as well.
Posted 2/6/09 9:33 PM |
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