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Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

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life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

My kids are ONLY allowed to eat sitting down and at the counter in the kitchen or in the dining room at the table.. they are not allowed to walk around with food at any time in the house....
Wondering if I'm the only strict one? Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/07 12:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

DD is only 7 months but I am planning to do the same thing. Furniture and carpet are too expensive to get ruined by grubby hands. I also think it helps them develop good habits. I try to feed DD only in her high chair when at home but I have fed her in her swing a few times.

Posted 1/20/07 1:14 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Michael most of the time eats in the kitchen (or dining room if we're using it). SOMETIMES we allow him to have goldfish on the couch while watching a movie.

Message edited 1/20/2007 1:57:52 PM.

Posted 1/20/07 1:55 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

only the kitchen and the DR. you are not the only one!!! i am very strict about this!

Posted 1/20/07 2:00 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Well James is too little for this now, but DH is so strict about this. When my nieces and nephews come over, he's all about them only eating in the kitchen (we don't have a dining room.) So I know he'll be enforcing this with James. Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/07 2:04 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

I wish I was as strict about it. I get lazy when its more convenient for me (like when I want some quiet time)

Posted 1/20/07 2:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

They're only allowed to eat at the kitchen table unless they're outside.

Joseph has gotten caught with his Halloween candy downstairs though.

Posted 1/20/07 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

only the kitchen for meals (or the DR on the rare occasion we are eating in there)

he is allowed certain snacks in the living room, like dry cereal in a bowl, goldfish, raisins. Nothing messy.
I have to say he's very careful and doesn't wander off with the food so thats probably why I allow it.

Message edited 1/20/2007 2:42:36 PM.

Posted 1/20/07 2:41 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Only in her high chair at the kitchen table and if she is watching a movie in her rocker, she can have a cookie or biscuit but that's it.

Posted 1/20/07 3:23 PM

My Everything

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Right now she eats everywhere because she is a crazy and she wouldn't get enough to eat if I made her sit in her high chair all the time. When she gets older and understands better I will probably limit eating to the kitchen if I don't have my wood floors by them. I am definitely getting tired of steam cleaning.

I will say that she does eat her meals in her high chair at the table. We don't let her eat meals watching TV. But I let her have her snacks in the family room while she's playing if they're not too messy.

Posted 1/20/07 3:36 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Not really. We have an open floor plan so sometimes they get a bit confused as the where the LR begins but I only let the eat in the DR. Once a blue moon they can eat in the LR. Too much crumbs!

Posted 1/20/07 3:43 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

I let Noah eat in the living room, but in true Noah style he drags a table and chair in, takes out our candelabra and put on some Richard Clayderman before he eats his crumpet with raspberry jam.

After he does that, he tried to put the half eaten crumpet in the VCR slot.

Then he follows that with a cigar. He is so civilised!

Its a win win situation!
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Posted 1/20/07 3:44 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Posted by racheeeee

I let Noah eat in the living room, but in true Noah style he drags a table and chair in, takes out our candelabra and put on some Richard Clayderman before he eats his crumpet with raspberry jam.

After he does that, he tried to put the half eaten crumpet in the VCR slot.

Then he follows that with a cigar. He is so civilised!

Its a win win situation!
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well I think the question for you then Rachel is Does Noah let YOU eat the living room? Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/07 10:47 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

My step-daughter is 10...I only allow her to eat in the kitchen or DR. However...on occassion, we will eat in the LR to watch a movie or something, but I think in the last 3 years, I can count the number of times on 1 hand.

Posted 1/21/07 5:44 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

Yes, I let my daughter eat snacks anywhere on the first floor. We have a casual home, I don't buy furniture or rugs that can't handle cheerio crumbs.

Posted 1/21/07 8:27 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you let your kids eat in rooms besides the DR?

When he's older and understands more, He'll sit at the table. For meals, he sits in his high chair, but for snacks, anything goes. If he gets crumbs on the floor, he gets crumbs on the floor. That's why we own a vaccuum Chat Icon

Message edited 1/21/2007 8:34:20 AM.

Posted 1/21/07 8:32 AM

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