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Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

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LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

109 total posts


Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Not sure if any of you remember my "false positive" pregnancy test, which I then thought may have been a chemical pg. I went for more blood yesterday. They call today with the results, saying I'm not pg. Yeah, I knew that, thanks. But they have no results from the first blood test on Tuesday, therefore have no way of knowing if it was a chemical pg or if AF was just 5 days late, which has never ever happened to me. Chat Icon The nurse tells me that they will call me if they find the other results and if it was a chemical. uh, thanks. That's helpful. Chat Icon So now I have no idea what happened. I suspect a chemical pg because AF was different this time in addition to being late. Plus I did have the positive digital pg test. Ugh!!! Well, if nothing else, I have learned that this is not the doctor's office that I will be using when/if I ever do become pregnant with Baby #2. I'm so frustrated.

Posted 10/3/08 5:00 PM
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Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Chat Icon That IS frustrating I'm sure! They're just not getting why it's important for you to know, and they should get it!!

Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you for next month!

Posted 10/3/08 5:02 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon sorry!!

One positive note is that you know now that this isnt the right doctors office for you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:03 PM

I'm one lucky girl

Member since 11/07

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Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

109 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Posted by BabySammie

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon sorry!!

One positive note is that you know now that this isnt the right doctors office for you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know. They have so many strikes against them. I would not even see my OB at my first appt. (if I was pg) just the nurse practioner. How would I know if I want her delivering my baby until I meet her? No sonos done until the ultrascreen. Uh, no, I need to see my bean as soon as I can. And I had to wait to be called back to make my first OB appt, but the 1 and only person that schedules the 1st OB appts. Usually I am not very hard to please and not demanding. I don't think I'm asking too much here. Or am I? Chat Icon And this office came very highly recommended. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:09 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Posted by shhhbaby2

Posted by BabySammie

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon sorry!!

One positive note is that you know now that this isnt the right doctors office for you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know. They have so many strikes against them. I would not even see my OB at my first appt. (if I was pg) just the nurse practioner. How would I know if I want her delivering my baby until I meet her? No sonos done until the ultrascreen. Uh, no, I need to see my bean as soon as I can. And I had to wait to be called back to make my first OB appt, but the 1 and only person that schedules the 1st OB appts. Usually I am not very hard to please and not demanding. I don't think I'm asking too much here. Or am I? Chat Icon And this office came very highly recommended. Chat Icon

You didn't use these doctors with your first child? Have you had a consult with the new doctors - maybe they will better explain how they work things so you know for the next time around!

Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:32 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

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Posted 10/3/08 5:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

109 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Posted by Diana1215

You didn't use these doctors with your first child? Have you had a consult with the new doctors - maybe they will better explain how they work things so you know for the next time around!

Chat Icon

No, these were new doctors. I didn't have a problem with the dr. that delivered DC #1, but he was older and I decided to switch to a younger practice. I can't really go back to them right now. If I say why, it may give away my "real" identity. Chat Icon
I have gotten a few other doctors recommended to me since this incident, so I'll work on finding a new dr. while we work on baby #2 so that if I have any other problems I'll have someone good to get real answers from.

Posted 10/3/08 5:42 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

I'm sorry. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Get far away from them! Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:47 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Posted by shhhbaby2

Posted by Diana1215

You didn't use these doctors with your first child? Have you had a consult with the new doctors - maybe they will better explain how they work things so you know for the next time around!

Chat Icon

No, these were new doctors. I didn't have a problem with the dr. that delivered DC #1, but he was older and I decided to switch to a younger practice. I can't really go back to them right now. If I say why, it may give away my "real" identity. Chat Icon
I have gotten a few other doctors recommended to me since this incident, so I'll work on finding a new dr. while we work on baby #2 so that if I have any other problems I'll have someone good to get real answers from.

Well, that stinks! Maybe ask if anyone on here has any good referrals in your area - I agree that I wouldn't go back to them after this!

Sorry you have to deal with this at all! Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 5:52 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for next month!!!

Posted 10/3/08 6:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Do you mind if I vent? (plus an update sort of)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon so sorry that you are having trouble with your doc's as if this wasnt enough. I hope next month works out for you.Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/08 7:03 PM

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