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Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

4798 total posts


Re: Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

Nope. We never share. And it has nothing to do with germs. It's just that if I order something it's because I want to eat it. I will offer a bite and so will he.

Rarely we go somewhere and we are both torn between the same two choices, and in that case we will each order one and then split them. But that's rare.

ETA. We do usually split apps (except salads). And I have no problem sharing apps with a table of friends.

Message edited 9/17/2018 9:05:49 AM.

Posted 9/17/18 9:05 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love to Bake!

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Re: Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

DH and I always order our own meals but if either of us wants a bite or taste we have no issues sharing. We don't however, put our plates in the middle of the table to automatically share everything.

Posted 9/17/18 9:16 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

With my ex - sometimes. It depends on what we were ordering. Especially Sushi, we'd order a bunch of rolls and share everything. But i'd say more often than not we'd share. Or give the other a large taste / piece of what we ordered.

We use to actaully sit next to each other in restaurants to make sharing easy!

Posted 9/17/18 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

We always share fries & usually desserts, but rarely entrees, unless it is a pizza ( although sometimes we get individual pizzas if we want differnt things.)

I often use dining out as an oportunity to get somethig he doesn't like (like shrimp.)

Sometimes when we get chinese food we will plan to share and get one meat dish & one vegetable dish.

So, we always have our "own" entree" but we usually offer the other person to try it if they want, esepcailly if we are at someplace new. And I always eat any tomatoes & pickles that come onhis plate, b/c he hates them.Chat Icon

Once we entirely swapped plates b/c my Thai noodles were too spicey (thankfully I didn't order them with shrimp!)

Posted 9/17/18 9:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

No. We may give each other a bite if we want to try what the other person has ordered.

Posted 9/17/18 10:01 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

I'm way too picky to share. I will always offer a taste to anyone at the table, but I want to order and eat what I want, not what someone else orders

Posted 9/17/18 1:46 PM

Just a mommy ...

Member since 10/10

2665 total posts


Re: Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

We only share appetizers.

main meals, we'll give each other a bite to try, but never share the meal. occasionally we switch meals when dh likes mine better and I have no problem with his, but not share.

I also HATE it when someone tries to get a "bite" of your food before you even tried it. it's my meal, I get first dibs.

Posted 9/17/18 3:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

187 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?


Posted 9/17/18 3:25 PM

Rocking the party

Member since 5/05

4937 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

We don't share ever unless it was predetermined that we're splitting a sandwich or something like that. I almost never take a bite off his plate either, although he always asks me. He'll take a bit off of mine because I always ask him if he wants one.

Posted 9/17/18 3:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

912 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

Nope. we just don't. unless something tastes off.. we'll say "baby taste this, what do you think"

Posted 9/17/18 9:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

So it seems I am in the minority here but I used to always share with exes or family -- My husband hates sharing his food-- he says that he always orders the better option so he doesnt want to share-- hes only half kidding. Hes even reluctant to offer a taste of what he got. I find it bizarre .. and annoying.

Posted 9/18/18 11:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

3389 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

Sometimes we share but for the most part I’m a big fish eater while he’s a meats and potato kind of guy but it wouldn’t be weird for us to share

Posted 9/18/18 9:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Do you share meals when out with your SO/H?

I have no problem sharing. I never eat an entire meal. So when I am done, my DH can have whatever he wants. But he has this habit of grabbing our food while we are still eating it, which my son and I both find incredibly rude.

Posted 9/19/18 1:45 PM
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