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Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08 10420 total posts
Name: Momx100
Do you tell people you are TTC?
We are not TTC yet but whenever people ask when we plan to have kids, I say, "probably next year". I will probably answer the same way when we are actually actively TTC.
Posted 6/30/08 4:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
I say the same thing. No one in our families know that we are TTC.
Posted 6/30/08 4:41 PM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
I really try not to make it a habit of telling people outright. I just recently told my mother but I really didn't want to.
I guess if people see me on this site and read my posts on TTC they can put 2 and 2 together.
Posted 6/30/08 4:46 PM |
Twin mommies are twice as nice

Member since 4/08 1861 total posts
Name: J
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
My mother and sister are the only ones that really know. When anyone else asks I just try and joke around and say maybe soon....
Posted 6/30/08 4:53 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
We never told people our plans for TTC. Usually, I'd say something about being focused on getting a house first, which had been our initial plan. When we didn't find a house as quickly as we wanted, we decided to start TTC anyway. I didn't share that information with anyone. I didn't know how long it was going to take and I didn't want people to constantly ask questions or wonder if I was pregnant.
Posted 6/30/08 4:56 PM |
I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06 9746 total posts
Name: She who shall remain nameless
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
My mother, sister and a few girlfriends know. My uncle and aunt know because my mom spilled the beans.
My Inlaws have no idea. No one else knows and we usually just say "one day" when people ask if we plan on trying for more.
Posted 6/30/08 5:00 PM |
Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
my whole family knows we are TTC but DH family doesnt, they arent on board or supportive of us doing IVF so we havent told them a thing. none of my friends really know ill just tell everyone when i get my BFP
Posted 6/30/08 5:13 PM |
Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
Message edited 6/30/2008 5:14:52 PM.
Posted 6/30/08 5:14 PM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
I used to say "maybe next year." Now that it has been a year, I wonder what those people think.
I still say the same answer.
It's an uncomfortable question to answer.
Now I know you don't want to commit to a specific time frame.... because you never know how long it will take. It is also no one else's business.
Posted 6/30/08 5:15 PM |
mommy to 3 boys
Member since 2/07 3885 total posts
Name: proud mommy
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
i have told several very close friends, but they are not the type to really bring it up again b/c they know it's not always a quick and easy thing. i do not plan on telling my family. they will know we were trying when i tell them i am pregnant!
Posted 6/30/08 5:32 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/07 1086 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
DH & two friends know...that's it.
Posted 6/30/08 6:02 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 532 total posts
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
It actually slipped a few weeks ago but we are just playing it off as if we don't know when...I just don't want any added pressure
Posted 6/30/08 6:10 PM |
Mommy to 2 divas
Member since 9/07 3389 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
everyone knows, it doesn't bother me
Posted 6/30/08 6:41 PM |
True beauty

Member since 10/07 9888 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
I've told a few select people - a few friends and my sister and ILs. I feel bad I haven't told my mom but I can only imagine the endless questions! It will be all she thinks about and worries about...uggh! We did tell my ILs and that was the best thing we could've done- they are so excited, it's getting them through a really tough time.
Posted 6/30/08 6:42 PM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
When people ask I say, "maybe soon".
I have told some friends, my cousin, and my sister that we are TTC.
Posted 6/30/08 6:56 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/08 702 total posts
Name: JLRJ1219
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
NO! To many questions! We will be surprising everyone.
Posted 6/30/08 7:12 PM |
Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08 2430 total posts
Name: Elisabeth
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
I only talk about it if the person I am talking to reveals that they are actively TTC and then we can go on for hours about CM, temping and O kits
I don't tell people though -- I think that is private.
Posted 6/30/08 7:45 PM |
Im a big boy now

Member since 5/08 2527 total posts
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
Posted by Bridex100
We are not TTC yet but whenever people ask when we plan to have kids, I say, "probably next year". I will probably answer the same way when we are actually actively TTC.
I same the same exact thing also. Only one of my closest friends knowns when we will start TTC.
Posted 6/30/08 7:53 PM |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
Honestly, nobody really asks us. We are young and barely married one year. It's something that I prefer to keep private anyway though.
Posted 6/30/08 8:02 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/08 343 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
Posted by autumn
everyone knows, it doesn't bother me
same here!
Posted 6/30/08 8:16 PM |
Praying so hard this is it!!!

Member since 4/08 1391 total posts
Name: Undercover Lover
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
If they ask I am sure I would say so!
Posted 6/30/08 8:32 PM |
This is my "Baby"

Member since 6/08 1522 total posts
Name: Cindy
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
My sister and my mom knows, but not my friends (yet)
Posted 6/30/08 9:00 PM |
Growing older but not up

Member since 7/07 4427 total posts
Name: Jeri
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
It depends on who I'm talking to. My sisters, cousins and friends know that we are trying, but my parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents, DH's mom and sisters don't know. But DH's dad and wife know.
When I talk to people who I don't mind knowing I tell them that we are trying, but if someone asks that I don't want knowing I tell them that I'm still enjoying DD and we'll wait a little longer.
Posted 6/30/08 9:28 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/08 96 total posts
Name: J
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
We are going to start soon, so I guess I should prepare myself for this question. I don't really want to tell anyone, except for talking about it on here. I know if I tell my mom she will be asking me once a month or more how I'm doing. I couldn't take that. Everyone will find out when we get that BFP.
Posted 7/1/08 9:48 AM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Do you tell people you are TTC?
We didn't when we were TTC for our first DD. When asked we responded "probably next year". We didn't know how long it would take and didn't want any questions, etc. if it took a while. When we announced I was pregnant it came as a complete shock to people-and not always good. So, once we start TTC again, we will tell people "soon". People will still be surprised, but not completely taken off guard. I figure if it takes a while, I'll want people to talk to about it anyway.
Posted 7/1/08 9:58 AM |
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