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Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

692 total posts


Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

i would def opt for a private room. my initial room will be private up until my baby pops out. but after that it's first come, first serve! which is fair.. i guess! the hospital i'm giving birth in is in the midst of adding additional private rooms. so hopefully i'll get one so that hub can sleep in with me. i'm also pretty private. but for the chance i may have to share, i'll have ear plugs and sleeping mask ready.

Posted 2/3/07 7:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

We are considering it b/c DH wants to be with us 24/7, and that is the only way. I am not convinced that it is worth it, and also that he is going to want to sleep in the hospital. We will discuss it more seriously once we are closer to my DD.

Posted 2/3/07 7:47 AM

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Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

Posted by rose825

I am no frugalist (is that a word?), but I am a bit cautious with my money. AFter delivery I was so exhausted I could sleep with anyone in the room, and besides that the nurses come in frequently to check on you, so there is no peaceful sleep. I did and would rather save the extra money to spend on baby or some spa treatment later.

That was my attitude going into it too. I said for that much money, I'd rather have a hotel stay somewhere cool when we could get a babysitter. I could tolerate a roommate for less than 2 full days to save the money.

For the 1st delivery, I had a roommate. My son was in the Special Care unit so I didn't see the need. My roommate wasn't the cleanest person which made me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon . (you are sharing a bathroom where there is a lot of blood in there). You're so tired, you have so many visitors through out the day. You may not even have much contact with your roommate.

For the 2nd delivery, I was debating a private room but the maternity floor wasn't busy. I had a private room but didn't have to pay for it. At one point, they were going to give me a roommate. My mom had chummied up to the nurses, talked to them about my last hospital stay where Joseph was in the hospital after I left, etc. They prepped the room for a roommate. The head nurse said, "No, let's not put her in there. Put her in room 11 instead."Chat Icon

MORAL OF THE POST: ALWAYS be nice to the nurses!Chat Icon

Message edited 2/3/2007 8:34:40 AM.

Posted 2/3/07 8:34 AM

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Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

I think if it wasn't too much$$$$$ I would go for it.

Posted 2/3/07 9:35 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

Posted by nrthshgrl

MORAL OF THE POST: ALWAYS be nice to the nurses!Chat Icon

Be nice to them may not get a private room but perhaps more attention or whatever. Honey works better than vinegar...
(My sister has been an RN for 30+ years and this is so true)

I will not get a private room unless my OB thinks I will be in for more than 1 or 2 nights.

Message edited 2/3/2007 10:17:00 AM.

Posted 2/3/07 10:16 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/07

17 total posts


Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

definately get a private room. you want your privacy and you want to be able to have many visitors.

Posted 2/5/07 1:21 AM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

I was alone the first day and it was great. Someone came in later that evening and had her ENTIRE family there. The little sleep I planned on getting - I did not get. Next time without a doubt we will splurge on the private room. During family visiting hours, when you were only supposed to have spouse, grandma and grandpa and any brothers or sisters (of the baby) she had cousins, her own brothers and sisters, friends...everyone. And they arrived from start of visiting time, until it was over and at that time visiting was open to everyone so she constantly had visitors. My DH almost complained. I had to walk through a huge crowd just to use the bathroom and felt like I had no privacy once I got in there since they were all so close. Totally worth the money if you can afford it.

Posted 2/5/07 7:43 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Do you think it's worth it to get a private room?

I delivered at Stony Brook and I didn't have a next door neighboor so I didn't have to share a bathroom until the last night I was there. (I did have a neighbor the 1st night but I still had my cathetor in so I wasn't using the bathroom anyway)

Posted 2/5/07 8:51 AM
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