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Do you think people can change?

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Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Do you think people can change?

Do you think people can change WHO they are? The makeup and foundation of who they are as a person? Or do you think they can do a good disguise job to get what they want from people (be it a reaction or a misguided sense of trust, etc.?)?

Posted 4/6/06 1:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Do you think people can change?

I 100% believe people can change!

Posted 4/6/06 1:37 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

I don't think people can change their core(or true beleifs or standards) I don't know if that makes sense. I can shange the way I act towards my MIL but it doesn't mean I'm being honest or true w/ the way I really want to be towards her.

Posted 4/6/06 1:39 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Do you think people can change?

I believe that can change

Posted 4/6/06 1:40 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

I think that if a person truly wants to change they can.

My parents were 21 when they married and my dad was a big partier. My mom thought my dad would change/mature when they got married and had kids. They ended up divorced b/c my dad felt like my mom was no fun and didn't want to go out to bars and leave us with babysitters.

Posted 4/6/06 1:40 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by DebG

I 100% believe people can change!

Do you have any examples? I'm dealing with a situation right now where I'm debating on whether someone has really changed or if they are the same old sleaze they've always been.

Posted 4/6/06 1:40 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think people can change?

I think the essence of the person stays the same

Posted 4/6/06 1:40 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by muchinluvmichi

I think the essence of the person stays the same

I agree.

Posted 4/6/06 1:41 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Do you think people can change?

If they want to- yes.

Posted 4/6/06 1:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by Ambersmom

Posted by DebG

I 100% believe people can change!

Do you have any examples? I'm dealing with a situation right now where I'm debating on whether someone has really changed or if they are the same old sleaze they've always been.

Withouth going into detail, I was a pretty awful person. I have definitely changed for the better in the last five years. I look back and cringe at who i used to be, and i don't think i have it in me to be that way again.

Message edited 4/6/2006 1:52:16 PM.

Posted 4/6/06 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

I truly believe people can change.

Posted 4/6/06 1:50 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Do you think people can change?


Unfortunately, in my experience I have only seen people change for the worse, not for the better.

Posted 4/6/06 1:51 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by Shellyesq

If they want to- yes.

i agree.

Posted 4/6/06 1:52 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

Change? No.
Mature- Yes
Control their behavior- Yes
but I dont think people really "change" who they are inside with thier beliefs and views however I do believe people will see a change in that person if they learn how to control themselves in situations and mature.

Posted 4/6/06 1:53 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

Yes. I agree - if they want to, they can absolutely change.

If you need an example, i have a relative that went into recovery, had years of therapy and now has much healthier relationships than I ever thought she could. She's changed - and I'm extremely proud of her for seeing that she needed to do it.

Posted 4/6/06 1:54 PM


Member since 1/06

6887 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by girlygrl33

Change? No.
Mature- Yes
Control their behavior- Yes
but I dont think people really "change" who they are inside with thier beliefs and views however I do believe people will see a change in that person if they learn how to control themselves in situations and mature.

I agree.

I believe that you can't change the stripes on a zebra.

Posted 4/6/06 2:07 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

I believe people can change their behaviors or even values if they choose but not the essential person they are deep down inside.

Posted 4/6/06 2:11 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you think people can change?

Posted by CkGm

I believe people can change their behaviors or even values if they choose but not the essential person they are deep down inside.

I agree!

Posted 4/6/06 2:13 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Do you think people can change?

I think so much of what we see in people or observe about them is their behavior, so I think when people say someone can control their behavior, that is changing, at least how the world perceives you. I am not sure how many people really get to see my essence or the true me, so how would they know if I truly changed or not?

I also think this brings up the whole nature vs. nuture debate. We are shaped by those around us and influenced greatly by our families and friends. I think when some of those influences are missing from our lives (both positive and negative) our outlook changes and so does our behavior.

Message edited 4/6/2006 2:16:32 PM.

Posted 4/6/06 2:15 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

I know that I am a very different person since James was born...I think I appreciated my family and friends more...and I am more humble.

I do believe that people can change....but it usually takes some sort of life experience to prompt the change...JMHO

Posted 4/6/06 2:25 PM

Love my life!!

Member since 11/05

3125 total posts


Re: Do you think people can change?

i think people can change their behavior, but i don't think they can change their character.

Posted 4/6/06 2:33 PM

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