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DOE Childcare leave?

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1101 total posts


DOE Childcare leave?

Any ideas.... My DS will be 4 in June. I had him just prior to being hired by the DOE. He is most likely going into a half day integrated pre-k program next school year through CPSE. Prior he's been in daycare since 12 weeks. I have no idea what to do for childcare and honestly I really want to be more available for him and dealing with school, drs appointments etc. Is there any type of leave that I can apply for? I really like my school and want to work, I just feel like I need to be around more for my son.

Posted 4/19/18 6:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/12

232 total posts


DOE Childcare leave?

Childcare leave is only up until the first day of school after your child's fourth birthday. Since your son would be 4 this June you missed the opportunity to take childcare leave. They do have non-medical leaves but they need to be approved and I am not sure what they allow for those types of leaves. I would speak to the UFT,

Message edited 4/19/2018 9:04:50 PM.

Posted 4/19/18 9:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/15

619 total posts


Re: DOE Childcare leave?

You can take a LOA for FMLA but it would be unpaid.

Posted 4/20/18 1:17 PM

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