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Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

The pain has been so bad the past few days. I actually went to the neurologist yesterday b/c I thought something else was wrong. I haven't had a flair up in quite some time. I have a bad headache, bad neck pain, my jaw and ears hurt.

Posted 1/27/08 10:28 AM


Member since 11/05

5666 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

This has been my new thing lately. I clench my teeth - not just during the night because I am catching myself during the day too. My whole face feels tired, ears have been hurting and I get headaches on and off from it too. I have to consciously remember to relax my jaw - it always feels like it is having one big mucscle spasm. It actually feels a little better if I massage it. I haven't seen anyone for it yet but I was thinking of going to a chiropractor for it.

Posted 1/27/08 11:52 AM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

Member since 8/06

1527 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

I just got another flair up now, this is my third one this week. For me it is mostly ear pain but I prevents me from turning my head. I see people mention seeing a chiropractor. I never thought of that, what would they do to help this pain?

Posted 1/27/08 6:11 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 1/08

6460 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

My mom has it really bad and she's currently going to physical therapy for it. The insurance company insisted they try that as a last resort before surgery!

Posted 1/27/08 9:43 PM


Member since 11/07

2378 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

I have it! I would go to a chiropractor, It helped me so much.

Posted 1/28/08 10:40 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

Yes I have constant ear ringing from it and sometimes my jaw pops when I am chewing. I tried going to a dentist who specializes in TMJ to try to correct it, but unfortunately neither my dental or medical ins. covers TMJ, so I am stuck.

Posted 1/28/08 12:34 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

I have it. It was not bothering me for a long time but now it is.

Posted 1/28/08 2:27 PM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

UGH, yes! It's extremely annoying! My popping jaw drives DH insane..he does the skeeve shudder. Chat Icon
You know...I never thought of going to my Chiropractor for this...I'm definitely going to mention it next time I go! THanks for the tip!

Posted 1/28/08 9:00 PM


Member since 6/06

2988 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

Yes, I unfortunately have it!!

I wear a night guard at night when I go to sleep...I find it to help.
When I'm having pain...I massage the side that is hurting, or sometimes use a hot compress.

I hope you feel better. The pain is definitely no fun!!!

Posted 1/28/08 10:31 PM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: Does anyone suffer from TMJ?

Posted by 4ForMe

This has been my new thing lately. I clench my teeth - not just during the night because I am catching myself during the day too. My whole face feels tired, ears have been hurting and I get headaches on and off from it too. I have to consciously remember to relax my jaw - it always feels like it is having one big mucscle spasm. It actually feels a little better if I massage it. I haven't seen anyone for it yet but I was thinking of going to a chiropractor for it.

I do the same thing. I also get muscle pain in my shoulder and around my shoulder blade. I use hot compresses and try to massage it.

Posted 1/29/08 12:32 AM

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