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My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DD is still in our room in her bassinet part of the pack n play... however, she is now 15 pounds which is the limit... I bf and I'm not sure if we're ready to put her in her crib yet... what should we do? And dont be afraid to tell me to suck it up and put her in her room! LOL
Posted 9/10/07 8:43 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Ella was in her crib by 3 months or so...
I dreaded having to go to her room to BF, but it wasn't bad at all.
Posted 9/10/07 8:48 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Suck it up and put her in the room!
Only kidding (partly ) need to do what feels right for you.
I made the switch with Abby just over a week ago and she's 4 months. I am also still BF, which was part of my motivation for keeping her in so long. However, let me tell you...I am LOVING life now that she is in her own room. I can turn on lights, watch TV, not's great. I have a rocking chair and a boppy in her room and if/when she wakes up I just go down the hall. Also, I found that since she's been in the room, she sleeps later...the best bonus!!!
Posted 9/10/07 8:48 PM |

Member since 8/07 1962 total posts
Name: gemma
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
for safety reasons you should now put her into the play part of the pack and play to sleep. and if you want to keep her in your room DO IT. i had the hardest time putting our son to sleep in his nursery but he now sleeps so much better and has more room to move around he actually loves his crib. good luck and do whatever helps you transition easier
Posted 9/10/07 8:51 PM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
I put my son in his room at about 2 months. He's almost 5 months now. I breasfed him until he was 4 months. I would just nurse him in the glider in his room. I'd keep the lights dim. He actually sleeps better in his room and I sleep better too!
Good luck whatever you decide to do!
Posted 9/10/07 8:51 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
sleeps later u say?????????????? hmm...that alone may give me the motivation! lolol
Posted 9/10/07 8:51 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DS has been in his crib since the beginning.
He's never had an issue with it and seems to sleep better when he's in there than in the bassinet (he would sleep in that when we needed to have the AC on).
As for mommy's state of mind, the video monitor helps.
Posted 9/10/07 8:51 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DS is 4.5 months old and he has been in his crib in his room for about a month. His room didn't have AC, but since it was a pretty cool August I didn't have to move him back to our room, even for one night (there is a fan and a nice cross breeze in there).
I agree with Eireann, it is SO much better with him in the other room, I still have to get up to feed him 2x a night (and he is formula fed) but it doesn't wake all of us up. Plus, my DH works nights, so he isn't waking Christopher up when he comes home and vice versa.
Posted 9/10/07 8:54 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DD has been in her crib since 7 weeks. We get better sleep that way all around. I'm still BFing (I nurse in her glider in her room using light from the hallway) her at 3 months.
Posted 9/10/07 8:54 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Well I did buy the Angel Care Monitor the other day cause I knew that this day was coming soon! So hopefully that will give me peace of mind... she's just sooo cute and little and I feel bad putting her all alone! LOLOL I'm a sappy first time mommy... geez, is it obvious?!
Posted 9/10/07 8:54 PM |
Member since 6/05 3273 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DS has been in the crib since day one. My older went into the crib at 1 week old.
Posted 9/10/07 8:55 PM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
i have the EXACT same problem! dunno what to do either. right now ds (4 months) is sleeping in his swing b/c he's also 15 lbs. and grew out of the pnp and bassinet.
Posted 9/10/07 8:55 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Posted by LoveBeingMrsT
i have the EXACT same problem! dunno what to do either. right now ds (4 months) is sleeping in his swing b/c he's also 15 lbs. and grew out of the pnp and bassinet.
Haha...maybe we should start a support group?!
Posted 9/10/07 8:56 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
I just put my 4 1/2 month in her crib tonight. She weighs 16 pounds soI didn't wnt to keep her in the PNP in our bedroom. I keep checking on her every 5 minutes - I can see I am not going to get any sleep tonight.
Posted 9/10/07 8:59 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DS was in his crib around 3 1/2 -4 months.
Posted 9/10/07 9:00 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Posted by dee7772
I just put my 4 1/2 month in her crib tonight. She weighs 16 pounds soI didn't wnt to keep her in the PNP in our bedroom. I keep checking on her every 5 minutes - I can see I am not going to get any sleep tonight.
Posted 9/10/07 9:02 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
thanks and hugs to you when you decide to do it
Posted 9/10/07 9:06 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Nope. I'm BFing also. DS is not even close to STTN. He's still up every 2-3 hrs. I really don't how I would survive if he was in another room. And since he's in daycare all day, I actually kind-of value the time we have BFing in the evening. I nurse lying down and doze through it now.
I always thought that I would have my DS in his own room by 3 months. But I actually love co-sleeping. I have a mini co-sleeper but he's going to be too long for it soon. (Weight is up to 30 lbs.) I'm considering side-caring a crib to the side of the bed for him.
You have to do what feels right and works for your family. This is what works for us.
ETS: My DS is over 18 lbs.
Message edited 9/10/2007 9:30:06 PM.
Posted 9/10/07 9:28 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
We put DD in her crib at 4 1/2 months. I was still BFing. It was annoying to have to go into her room at first, but I got used to it. It was definitely a big adjustment, but it was nice having our room back.
Posted 9/10/07 9:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 699 total posts
Name: Latrice
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
My DD is 4mths 1wk and is also 15lbs. I BF as well. However, we transitioned her out of the PNP bassinet in our room once she turned 2 months.
It actually was not bad at all. I keep the monitor on. It is more of my being lazy and having to get out of bed to go to her room.
But now that it has been a full 2months, she goes to bed by 7:30pm/8 the latest and wakes at 3am for a feeding and then again at 7am.
So not bad at all.
Good luck
Posted 9/10/07 10:09 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1893 total posts
Name: Janine
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
We didn't transition DD until after 6 months due to some reflux/breathing issures. When she got too big for the bassinet I just put her in the bottom of the PNP.
She had absolutely no trouble transitioning when we did though, although I started napping her in her crib long before that so that she was used to sleeping in there.
Posted 9/10/07 10:19 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DD did not move into her room/crib until 6 months.
Posted 9/10/07 10:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 623 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
Posted by Cookiegobbler
Well I did buy the Angel Care Monitor the other day cause I knew that this day was coming soon! So hopefully that will give me peace of mind... she's just sooo cute and little and I feel bad putting her all alone! LOLOL I'm a sappy first time mommy... geez, is it obvious?!
I was just as bad. We put the Angel Care in his cradle that was right next to our bed! We moved him to his room at 3 months. I didn't want to, but DH insisted. In the long run it was probably better. If we didn't do it then, we probably never would. I was sad the first few nights, but we got used to it. I agree that he is sleeping better in his crib too.
Posted 9/10/07 10:39 PM |
Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
We had DD in her co-sleeper (unattached to the bed) until she was like 6 or 7 months. Then she took to her crib immediately. We were fortunate to not have any transition problems and I felt better knowing that the SIDS risk had decreases at that age.
Posted 9/10/07 10:44 PM |
Twins are here!

Member since 3/06 3597 total posts
Name: Deirdre
Re: Does your 4-41/2 month old sleep in his/her crib?
DD is 4.5 months and has been in the crib since about 7 weeks or so - she wasnt sleeping well in the cradle at all. She started sleeping through the night (well, 8pm until 5am) at around 3 months. When she wakes up at around 5-6am, I nurse her in bed with us, then we sleep with her in the crook of my arm until 6:30.
I think everyone in our family sleeps better with her in her own crib, in her own room - but I also LOVE the precious time I get to nurse her in bed, with her all curled up next to me.
Posted 9/10/07 10:50 PM |
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