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Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

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Vibrant Health

Member since 1/07

2822 total posts


Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

If so, please post examples of the assistance.
is it on site care? if so, how does it work and if outside what's percent do you get off?
At my agency which is non profit. We are trying to come up with ideas and present them to the CEO and HR Dept. about having day care on site or outside. Something to retain valuable employees and as incentive for new ones.

Message edited 7/13/2007 10:27:44 AM.

Posted 7/12/07 9:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

if your child care doesn't show that day, you can eitehr get the firm to assist you in getting someone or you bring the child to someone.

Something like that. It's part of work/life balance in my firm. I have never used it so I don't know for sure.

Posted 7/12/07 9:22 PM

Vibrant Health

Member since 1/07

2822 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Message edited 7/13/2007 10:28:09 AM.

Posted 7/12/07 9:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

My company assists with a discount of 25%. You can go to any daycare and get the same discount. The daycare comes right out of your paycheck each week and it is 52 weeks so you pay even if your child is not there.

Posted 7/16/07 4:26 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

I live out the country...but my employer takes part in a Childcare Voucher Scheme, my husband and I each get £243 monthly for childcare and thats before tax, so together we save about £100 a month on chidlcare.

My friend works for a HUGE company and they have a scheme to get you back to work after having a baby, if you take your maternity leave (up to a year as the law says) you get one years FREE childcare for coming back to work. Now thats an incentive to go back to work!!!

Posted 7/16/07 4:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

806 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

My job offers a flex spending account to put in child care money pre-taxes. That's it!

Posted 7/16/07 9:46 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Posted by counselor74

My job offers a flex spending account to put in child care money pre-taxes. That's it!

DH's job offers the same thing, and my job offers nothing.

Posted 7/17/07 7:45 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/07

22 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Our jobs offer FSA for Dependent Care up to 5K.

Posted 7/18/07 8:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/07

1174 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

we have a really good day care program at stony brook u.... (paid on a scale, according to family income)... but it's obviously a HUGE # employees, so the organization can afford it....

It covers infants until kindergarten, I believe, and may even include afterschool events.... not sure....

Posted 7/19/07 9:55 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

Member since 6/06

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Baby Momma

Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Posted by marriedinportjeff

we have a really good day care program at stony brook u.... (paid on a scale, according to family income)... but it's obviously a HUGE # employees, so the organization can afford it....

It covers infants until kindergarten, I believe, and may even include afterschool events.... not sure....

I work for the state as well and we have access to state child care centers. But over a certain income, really not much savings there.

Posted 7/19/07 10:58 PM

Vibrant Health

Member since 1/07

2822 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Ladies, thank you so much for your feedback.

Posted 7/24/07 9:49 AM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Does your employer offer some form of child care assistance?

Posted by marriedinportjeff

we have a really good day care program at stony brook u.... (paid on a scale, according to family income)... but it's obviously a HUGE # employees, so the organization can afford it....

It covers infants until kindergarten, I believe, and may even include afterschool events.... not sure....

I don't think stony brook's is that great. The sliding fee really only helps out students (undergrad and grad students with children use the center in addition to employees) who show as having no income--any family with over $35,000 family income is not subsidized at all and it costs $1200 per month per child. Plus there is a waiting list for infants to get in. And the center was listed as having been reported for breaking rules for childcare in the past year (on that site someone posted a while back). Something about hitting or physically punishing children.

Message edited 7/24/2007 8:48:56 PM.

Posted 7/24/07 8:47 PM

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