Does your ped. charge you to fill out forms?
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Does your ped. charge you to fill out forms?
I recently moved and began using a new practice. The fill out one form per year (Ex: physicals) as a courtesy but anything over that incurs a $5.00 fee. I think it is bit ridiculous to pay a fee considering they are a Pediatric practice and are fully aware that forms are needed to enroll in school. Today I found out that as of the new year there will be a charge for any forms.
What annoys me the most is that I enrolled my son is a preschool program in Sept. I was new to the practice in July and wasn't able to get an appointment until the end of Sept. They filled out the form for me so DS could start school. I think the should have waived the fee considering they couldn't get DS in any earlier hence the reason for the second from to be completed ( due to the first lacking certain info).
Ladies in CT, is this the norm here? Or is it just my practice? When I lived in NY, I never paid.
Just curious if anyone else has to pay. I know its just $5.00 but I guess it still annoys me.
Posted 10/29/07 11:25 AM |
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