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DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

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Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

All of a sudden for the past few days DS will only eat for 10 mintues (on one side) and want to nurse like every hour. He is 7 weeks and has been sooo good at eating since birth. He always used to nurse for 20 minutes (10 on each side) and be good to go for about 3hrs. Now, he falls asleep after 10 minutes and/or refuses to latch back on to the other side. This only goes on during the day (at night he is good, he will still nurse for 20 mintues and is back off to sleep as usual thank God).

Do I just do what he wants for now during the day? Do I try to make him wait the 3hrs so he is extra hungry at the feeding? I can't take this much longer!!! Chat Icon I feel so terrible getting so frustrated with him all day

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Posted 10/30/07 12:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

I started changing dd diaper before feeding and that worked with the falling asleep, and when it doesnt i pump and give her a bottle and that works too. Im not into the whole starvign until 3 hours is up thing.

Posted 10/30/07 12:16 PM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

i wouldn't call it laziness, he might be going through a growth spurt. which is completely exhausting on mommy!! they want to constantly eat during growth spurts and usually around 6-7 weeks many babies have them.

also, while nursing when ds falls asleep, you can try breast compressions. my lc taught me, but there is info here from the kelly mom site. it helps with waking them up to be more efficient during a nursing session.

i know it's so tiring, but it will get better. you are doing great!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 12:22 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

It is a growth spurt. BF should be on demand and not based on a schedule. It won't be like this for very long.
If your child is hungry then you should feed them

Good luck and you are doing great!

Posted 10/30/07 12:33 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

This phase started for DS at 2.5 weeks and ended at 8 weeks. Chat Icon Chat Icon

It started as a growth spurt but after 1-2 weeks I still thought he wanted to eat. So I kept BFing. I found that that babies with digestive issues will eat to make them feel better. Not always because they are hungry. And DS thought I was a human pacifier.

It took me a few weeks (yes, I was clueless) to realize DS was hardly taking naps. He was fighting sleep and did not know how to fall asleep AND he had gas. REALLY BAD! Which kept him up during the day.

- does he nap well (more than 10 minutes and every 2-3 hours)?
- does he bounce his legs towards his belly?
- Does he want to be held all day?

Posted 10/30/07 1:05 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

Do what he wants. He is likely eating more quickly because he is older, but needs more for growth. Don't try to control his feedings, you likely can't. He is in charge for a while longer!

Posted 10/30/07 1:08 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

DD just started this yesterday (she isn't the best eater to begin with-5 weeks tomorrow). It's exhausting and frustrating but last time this happened at 3 weeks, it was over in 3 days or so. Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 3:32 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: DS getting lazy/Nursing every hour!!!

Exact thing is happening to me... the dr said to not feed him until 2 hrs because he will start to see me as a pacifier as well as a food source. So I am sticking with that and using the soothie in between feedings if necessary. Luckily DS usually waits until 2 hrs but overnight he goes 5 hrs without a feeding. It must be a phase because our babies are the same age.

Posted 10/30/07 4:28 PM

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