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Nursing Moms - hospital question

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

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Nursing Moms - hospital question

What did you wear in the hospital? I hate nightgowns. I don't want to spend money on nursing nightgowns when I have large comfy pj pants I wear. The only thing is I usually sleep in them and a t-shirt. With nursing (twins), I know that isn't practical (the t-shirt part). What did you wear and what do you suggest in this situation? Is there such a thing as nursing t-shirts/tanks? If so, where do I get them? I guess in the hosptal I can wear a zipper sweatshirt (my friend did that when she was there), but at home I'd rather not wear that every night. Any suggestions?

Posted 10/30/07 9:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I brought stuff, but just ended up staying in hosp. gown. just easier with nursing and the bleeding in the lower half and nurses checking to make sure its healling jmo

Posted 10/30/07 9:47 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I bought nursing tank tops from Motherhood and then wore a zip shirt over it. I also just wore comfy baggy pants. I only did the night gown thing the day that I gave birth but after that first shower.....regular clothing.

Posted 10/30/07 9:49 AM

life is good

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

Anything is really fine. I had pajamas with buttons down the front. If you're having a c-section, you'll definitely want your OWN clothes since you'll be there for 4 days (I felt SO good once I showered and put on my own pajamas!). Also, I've been nursing for 4 months now and not once have worn any nursing clothing (aside from a bra Chat Icon). I just pull up my shirt and cover my half-exposed stomach with a burp cloth.

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Posted 10/30/07 9:53 AM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

Nursing tanks are great. But if you like T-shirts, try an XL men's v-neck T-shirt. I wore that and it was really easy to pull it over to the side to nurse the baby.

Posted 10/30/07 11:31 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

Do you have some spaghatti strap tanks? I use those at home when I BF DD

Posted 10/30/07 11:49 AM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

i am nursing twins too. there may be a chance you will have a c-section and not really want to wear pajama bottoms. for me a MAJOR thing is also how crazy hot i was! after giving birth you sweat buckets and then to have both babies on you to nurse is like having 2 furnaces on you. i recommend cool cotton nightgowns.

at first, i wore the hospital gown, which had snaps at the shoulder, which was easy to open up for nursing. when i was finally able to take a shower (which felt great!) i wore one of the night gowns i bought. they were just regular (non nursing) night gowns from sears with buttons down the front.

i don't think you really need nursing clothes, except of course, good nursing bras. when first at home, if i did wear a shirt, i just wore a regular tank-again because i was so hot.

good luck and feel free to fm me with any specific questions regarding nursing twins, positioning is a little different than nursing one. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 12:02 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

Posted by BabySammie

I brought stuff, but just ended up staying in hosp. gown. just easier with nursing and the bleeding in the lower half and nurses checking to make sure its healling jmo


Posted 10/30/07 12:03 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I wore the hospital gown the first night because I was bleeding alot!
I brought pajamas that had a tank underneath and a little shirt to go over it.

They have nursing tanks and regular tanks work well also.

Posted 10/30/07 12:07 PM

Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I was in the hospital gown for the first day and a half because I was hooked up to an IV for days since I had an unexplained fever. After I was able to take a shower I wore nursing tanks (I got them from Target) I still wear them now that I am at home and now that it is getting colder I put a zip up sweatshirt over it.

Posted 10/30/07 12:18 PM


Member since 5/05

3415 total posts


Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I wore nursing pj's from pajamagram at night and just a nursing bra and tank shirt during the day. I totally agree with all the other posters that after that first shower being in your own clothes felt sooooooooo good!!!

Posted 10/30/07 12:23 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I just wore regular nightgowns that had a few buttons in the front.

Posted 10/30/07 12:25 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

Posted by BabySammie

I brought stuff, but just ended up staying in hosp. gown. just easier with nursing and the bleeding in the lower half and nurses checking to make sure its healling jmo

same here. i think the last day i was there i wore my own nightgown and i just pulled up the nightgown and kept myself covered with the sheets.

Posted 10/30/07 12:31 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Mom of 2

Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I wore the hospital gown the first night. Then after that I had these great nursing tanks that I got from motherhood. Im sure they have some sort of t-shirt too. I also had a pj set that had buttons down the front. Good Luck!

Posted 10/30/07 12:35 PM

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Re: Nursing Moms - hospital question

I only wore the hospital gown at the hospital after my c-section while nursing- i loved it! at home i wore my pj pants, a tank top and a button-down shirt.

Posted 10/30/07 9:01 PM

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