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I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Ear Tube surgery question
If your DC had this, what was the recovery like for your child?
Were they back to normal the next day? Were they in any pain?
DS has this in a couple weeks and I just wanted to plan.
Posted 7/28/10 8:47 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
DS was fine about 90 mins after the operation.
Wonder ex-H took him to McD's for breakfast or lunch - right after we were let go from the hospital - after the anesteia wore off.
I think there is a few day period where they don't want them to go to school/daycare but that's just for infection.
I don't even think they gave DS a pain med - maybe tylenol/motrin.
He was very groggy when he woke up. The nurse kept putting more blankets on him but DS likes to have his arms out... and she'd come wrap him up again...
Bring his fav toy or blanket. The hospital gave us crackers & juice.
Posted 7/28/10 8:57 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
miki was FINE when we got home
she was groggy from the anesthesia, she came home and ate a bagel (idd cause she had her adenoids removed and the Dr. said her throat would hurt)
after the bagel, she was asking to go outside and play but the Dr. told me to have her take it easy that day so she took a nap ( like 3 hours) and then was like her old self when she woke up.
Posted 7/28/10 9:27 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
Ronan is a pretty shy, attached kid. It took him about 40 minutes to calm down even with me/DH holding him. I believe he was in pain for that day and the next(he was only 10 months so hard to tell) but he was holding his ear. One thing I know is that water hurts when it runs in his ears so I try to be very careful at bath time. Even with those things it was the best decision we made...1 ear infection in 10 months as opposed to 8 in a row before tubes
Posted 7/28/10 9:30 AM |
last month on leave!
Member since 6/08 4551 total posts
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
preggo crashing...
i had the ear tube surgery when i was a bit older than most kids who get it so i remember a lot of how i felt afterwards
i wasnt in any pain, but i was very groggy from the anesthesia -- i have very vivid memories of sleeping for the rest of the day that day... i also threw up from the anesthesia, but i think thats just how my body reacts to it b/c when i got my wisdom teeth out as an adult i threw up right after i came out of the anesthesia
Posted 7/28/10 9:32 AM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
DS just had this surgery last week. He is 10 1/2 months.
The surgery itself took 15 min. tops. When I met him in recovery he was crying alot b/c he had just woken up. They allowed me to give him a bottle with water and a small amount of apple juice (they told me no formula because they are sometimes nauseous from the anesthesia). We came home and napped for 2 hours. After his nap he was back to his old self. Crawling around. Not cranky.
We did have to put antibiotic drops in his ears for 5 days which was a PIA but he was actually pretty good about it.
Posted 7/28/10 9:33 AM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Ear Tube surgery question
My DD has had it 2 times and my DS once. They were both fine by the time we went home. Once we got home it was like nothing happened! The procedure is only 15 minutes and they were in recovery for about 1/2 hour - 45 minutes (we did it in an ambulatory center for my DD). My DS had his done in the hospital and they made him stay longer even though he was totally fine. They do wake up cranky and disoriented, but once they settled down they were fine.
It's much harder on us!
Message edited 7/28/2010 9:53:45 AM.
Posted 7/28/10 9:53 AM |