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WWYD - ear tube question

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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


WWYD - ear tube question

Sorry for yet another ear tube question

My doctor plans to insert tubes into mikayla's ears which will NOT come out on their own. They will stay in for 1-3 years and then she will need to be put under anesthesia again to have them removed.

When I questioned them about this, they said that with the other tubes, that fall out on their own, at times they fall out too soon and need to be reinserted

I am trying to decide whether to take my chances and get the "shorter life tubes" and hope they stay in long enough or go for the "t-tubes" that need to be surgically removed in a few years

One option is guaranting that she will need to go under anesthesia twice, one is not


Message edited 5/18/2009 2:22:54 PM.

Posted 5/18/09 2:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

I think I would put the ones in that the Dr. suggested. I am going to assume their is a lot of fluid or she gets a lot of fluid in her ears, maybe that is why he wants to put those in. To guarantee that they drain properly.

Posted 5/18/09 2:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

Message edited 5/18/2009 2:51:37 PM.

Posted 5/18/09 2:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

Posted by ml110

i would also go with the ones the doctor wants to put in... this happened to me. I had the "regualar" ones put in when i was 5, but they fell out too soon and i had to have the surgery all over again when i was like 6 1/2 or 7.
at least with the ones he wants to put in, youre pretty much guaranteed that she won't have to go under again for at least a year... with the other ones, it might end up being sooner, which would stink. it sounds like these will give her ears a better chance at getting better.
i'm sure theres a reason he wants to do the more permanent ones. good luck!! let me know if you have any other questions!!

Posted 5/18/09 2:51 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

thanks ladies. I will talk to DH tonight but just wanted to get some insight Chat Icon

Posted 5/18/09 3:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

Also keep in mind that the tubes that are supposed to come out on there own don't always. My DD got tubes at 9 months, they were supposed to last 6 months to a 1.5 ish. They never fell out. Just after her 3rd birthday she had her tonsils and adenoids removed, they removed the tubes from her ears during that time. Just something to think about. Good luck, you will see such a difference regardless.

Posted 5/18/09 3:20 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

Is it possible to get a second opinion?

Posted 5/18/09 3:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1130 total posts


Re: WWYD - ear tube question

I think I mentioned in the other post - we went with the ones that did not fall out. Our ENT recommended those and we felt confident with his recommendation based on DS being only 13 mths when he needed them.

Also, SIL's kids got the ones that fell out and for one of her girls she needed to have them put in 2 times.

Posted 5/18/09 3:36 PM

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