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Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Eating questions for 1 year old
Hey guys, I have 2 questions.
1. What are your babies' feeding schedules? and
2. What do you feed your baby for breakfast? I feed Jordana yogurt and cheese and fruit, but I'm thinking there has to be something else out there.
Posted 4/23/07 9:51 AM |
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my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
pancakes and homemade french syrup
Posted 4/23/07 9:52 AM |
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
This is his schedule..
7am: 8oz bottle
9am: either 1 whole banana and some oatmeal with jarred fruit (usually 1/4 cup of oatmeal). If I have no banana's then I give him 1/2 of oatmeal with the jarred fruit. Today he got oatmeal and 4 slices of peaches. The oatmeal is plan Quaker oats.
Noon: Either pizza, american cheese and some veggies (still jared), yogurt and fruit, grilled cheese. Lunch always stumps me.
3pm: Either home made mac& cheese, pizza, or some jarred food again.
7pm: 8oz bottle and bed
This schedule varies depending when he wakes up and when we are out. The only thing that is the same is that he has his last bottle at 7.
I am also at a loss at what to give him because he is sooo picky. I can't even mix in other veggies into his mac & cheese because he will not eat it. I really wish he was on all table food but I simply can not force him to eat so I am stuck buying jarred foods as a back up still.
Posted 4/23/07 11:44 AM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
She eats 3 meals a day, occassionally a snack in between but she doesn't love snacks. She gets milk in the AM and PM and usually a yogurt drink in the afternoon. Breakfast she eats fruit, cheese and occassionally pancakes, she doesn't really like them. She loves cheesey scrambled eggs, gets that a few times a week.
Posted 4/23/07 11:48 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
My DD is 14mths and it seems like I feed her the same few things every day...I have tried to introduce and re introduce lots of things but she likes certain things...
Morning, she usually BF first thing so after that I feed her either oatmeal (Mc canns irish oatmeal) with a sprinkling of the baby cereal - ped recommeneded it for iron etc and some fruit- usually banana or pear. Some mornings she has weetabix instead of oatmeal. She picks at cheerios and blueberries while I am feeding her.
Lunch - usually toast and hummus with some grapes or grilled cheese or banana and avocado mixed.
Snacks - yobaby, fruit, raisins
Dinner - this is where I get stumped as all she wants to eat are peas and sweet potato!! I usually mash some tofu in with the S.potato. She will eat some veggie / spinach nuggets also.
I BF morning and night and during the day she drinks reg milk in a sippy and some water.
I have to start cooking some better dinners for her though...I did make her some deliciouis home made split pea soup but she hated it!
Posted 4/23/07 11:51 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
pancakes, 1 waffle, a packet of regular instant oatmeal sprinkled with some cinnamon sugar, cereal & milk (she usually eats mine!), half a lenders bagel w/ cream cheese or a piece of toast with cream cheese, raisin bread-plain or toasted w/ a touch of butter
Posted 4/23/07 11:57 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
To this day, Alex has yogurt for breakfast, each and every day. If it was up to her, she'd have "gogo" for every meal For us, it's particularly important because she's not a big milk drinker, so we have to make sure we're getting her dairy from some other source. We use the organic, plain, dannon yogurt and mix it with natural applesauce - it cuts out a lot of the added sugar.
Have you tried eggs? For a little while there, I used to scramble some eggs and mix in a little cheese, but she won't go for it anymore. Phooey...
Posted 4/23/07 12:20 PM |
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Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Eating questions for 1 year old
DD almost a year. Breakfast she's a really good eater. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, french toast, banana, canteloupe (sp?), yogurt, cereal, baby food fruits.
Posted 4/23/07 1:26 PM |