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Member since 1/09 6017 total posts
Name: Taryn
Elective Induction--WWYD??
So, DH brought up possibly scheduling to be induced when the times comes because I am home alone all day and he is worried i will go into labor while no one is around and i will have to drive myself to the hospital. He is worried i will get into an accident. DH works near the hospital where we are delivering but we LIVE 40 minutes from it. My OB's office is 5 minutes from the hospital as well. He would have to drive the 40 minutes back home and then drive us the 40 minutes to the hospital. He doesn't think it makes sense to do that. He drives the 40 minutes to work everyday.
I haven't brought it up to the OB yet but what would you do?
Posted 6/10/09 5:13 PM |
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Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
As someone who was induced at 38 weeks for medical reasons, I would never choose an induction.
You may go into labor while DH is at work or you may not. If he's honestly worried you'll get into an accident, he should either drive the extra 40 minutes back home and take you to the hospital or perhaps you could have a friend or family member on stand by to take you if you go into labor. IMO, the reasons your DH gave are not good enough reasons to schedule an induction.
Posted 6/10/09 5:19 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
If this is your first LO, then I would tell DH to be prepared to drive home, pick you up and then drive to the hospital. As a first time mom, you are not going to be in active labor for a while, though you may be uncomfortable with contractions. Driving yourself to the hospital is out of the question. You will have enough time for DH to come and get you and for you both to drive to the hospital. Personally, I would not want to be induced without medical necessity. Anyway, the baby may come at night or on the weekend. Good luck.
Posted 6/10/09 5:21 PM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
I didnt read your post as your DH was looking for an excuse... I read it as he is concerned and panicing and thinking of ways to do this so you are not alone in labor and driving by yourself to the hospital.. I have never had induction and I have never been in labor.. So I do not know if this is a bad idea.. I do know I have had so many different birth plan Ideas and I always discuss this with my dr also.. So he may agree with you and say go for it.. My Mother had all of her pregnancies induced and so did both of my sisters.. for no medical reason either.. My Mother's dr actually made her do it..Just basically for convenience.. They also did it more than once.. So to me this is not obsurd to ask for.. I am having one myself this Monday!! but it is Dr's orders.. I am on blood thinners.. good luck. I am sure you will be fine.. I dont think you go into labor and then the baby flys out.. I think it takes some time.. But we are new at this too and have no idea what to expect..
Message edited 6/10/2009 5:39:56 PM.
Posted 6/10/09 5:28 PM |
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Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
while I had a very easy induction, I believe this is not the norm. I wouldn't do it. I live 15 minutes from the hospital I delivered at, DH works 20 minutes from there, and our house is 45 minutes from DHs job. I'm a worry wart by nature, however, I would have never asked for an elective induction (I'm not sure Drs. will do this for no reason), If you go into labor and your water breaks while your DH is at work, he will have plenty of time to come get you and get to the hospital.
Message edited 6/10/2009 6:40:17 PM.
Posted 6/10/09 5:33 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
Most doctors won't just induce you for no reason. Your body needs to be ready and show some signs of labor. I was induced 12 days after my due date (I wasn't a centimeter dialated) and ended up with a csection.
Personally, I think unless medically necessary, it's best to let nature take it's course! Unfortunately, we can't control everything!
ETA: You usually have a good amount of time when it comes to first births so I would tell your husband not to worry so much!
Message edited 6/10/2009 5:41:09 PM.
Posted 6/10/09 5:40 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
I would NEVER be induced. Unless it was a medical emergency, only because I have seen time and time again all these women induced and end up with c sections after a painful labor. People are not meant to be induced. Yes, there are lots of situations where it is neccesary for the health of the baby and the mom but thats the only time I would even consider it.
Most labors take a long time, the fast ones are certaintly the exception not the rule, and most take 12+ hours, so I would describe that to him
Posted 6/10/09 6:33 PM |
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Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Elective Induction--WWYD??
I agree with the other posters that I would not have an elective induction without necessity. I know that the doctors have done inductions for at least 23 years because my mom was induced with my brother b/c she had GD with him. She did not need a c/s but she had a 3rd degree tear. The only reason she agreed to induce was b/c her GD was getting worse. Frankly, except for 2 or 3 inductions almost every one I hear of becomes a c/s. I think I am going to make a poll about it.
Posted 6/10/09 7:06 PM |