Has anyone had their child tested for allergies and have them test negative but they are CLEARLY (and severely Chat Icon) allergic to something in the air?

DS had it horrible last spring (eyes swelled shut, horrible skin rashes, had to go on steroids) but when he was tested in the summer, everything was negative. Now again the MINUTE the trees started budding, he's got it again. And now thinking back he's gotten at least the rash every spring but there was always something else to attribute it to but I think it just got more severe when we moved from the city to the burbs where there are more trees.

It's so heartbreaking to see him suffer like this (he doesnt even look like himself Chat Icon) and I would like to start him on shots ASAP but if he tested negative, that's probably not even an option. I'm going back to the allergist this week so I'll see what they say too.

And how are you helping your kids through this season? I just want to put him in a bubble Chat Icon