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Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

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Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I REALLY wanted an all natural labor and still plan to try to go drug free but this experience is SO different from Ryan's delivery

I woke up at 4:30AM with mild contractions and waited to go to the hospital. At 10:30AM I was told I was in early labor and contracting (although really I could barely feel it), 3CM dilated, 80% effaced, baby low

They gave me the option to induce or walk around
I decided to go to BBB for 2 hours and walked around
Came back to the hospital and no change in my dilation, contracting every 7-8 minutes
Given my history of arriving at the hospital at 9CM with Ryan, they suggested (but said was up to me) breaking my water to induce
I decline b/c I didn't want to intervene

Now it's 8:30PM, I still feel semi the same, some stronger contractions, blood twinged mucus, throwing up a few times, but def don't feel like I'm in active labor

But I'm so stressed that I'll go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night in a bad situation.

So, at this point, I'm considering going back to the hospital and letting them break my water and getting this show on the road


Posted 10/25/09 8:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

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Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I don't have any experience, but given your situation with someone to watch Ryan, I'd do it for the convenience of having that taken care of.

Good luck Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 8:36 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

My mom is on her way here. Thank you Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 8:38 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

Jessee, get to the hospital, that is unless you want to deliver in the car!


Posted 10/25/09 8:39 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

Go to the hospital !!!

good luck, how exciting Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 8:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3071 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

They broke my water to induce the second time. It work and between that and Pitocin, she was born in a few hours.

Good luck whatever you decide, but I agree with the op who said GET TO THE HOSPITAL. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 8:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I would let them break your water. Once my water was broken with my last pregnancy, I progressed VERY quickly. If you weren't contracting so regularly, I would be hesitant, but since you are actively contracting, it would probably just move it forward a bit quicker. Good luck!

Posted 10/25/09 8:43 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I would go to the hospital!

I was expecting them to break my water and when they felt for baby, they realized the cord was blocking was a cord prolapse and it was much better that the water didn't break naturally!

Posted 10/25/09 8:48 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I was contracting a few minutes apart with Lucas and in pain...but only 2 cm. It was the day before my actual due date and the doctor didn't want to send me home in that much they broke my water and my contractions were steady and consistent. I did not need any further assistance to labor but did have an epi. But...I delivered Lucas more than 12 hours later Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 9:02 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

I had this with Jack......

I wasn't in active labor but was about 3cm and contracting. I wanted to go home but the doc told me to stay b/c of my super quick labor with Ava.

I stayed, let him break my water and had Jack about 3 hours later. I was more comfortable in the hospital b/c I had the doc and nurses, my DH and mom were with me in the room to keep me company. Most of all, my inlaws had Ava and I was just so relaxed that she was taken care of and I could concentrate on just getting Jack out Chat Icon

My advice - go to the hospital......

Posted 10/25/09 9:07 PM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

Go to the hospital and see if they'll allow you to try progressing on your own w/o intervention but you really should be there given your history.

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 9:09 PM

Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

5689 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

Go th the hospital! I was induced and it threw me into active labor Chat Icon After not making much progress for a day and a half, having them break my water was the best decision I made. It helped me avoid a Csection. Go for it! Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 9:15 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: Experiences with letting them break your water to induce??

How exciting!! I would also go to the hospital. You had a seriously quick labor the first time, similar to my second, and I would bet that you would labor quickly after they break your water!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/25/09 9:27 PM

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