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LIF Adult
Member since 6/05 932 total posts
did anyone's water break?
did you go straight to the hospital or did you call your doctor?
Posted 7/21/08 7:21 PM |
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Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did not until I was being induced, so I was already at the hospital.
You are supposed to call your doctor when your water breaks, but I don't think they usually tell you to come in right away unless the water is green (meconium) or unless you are having contractions close together.
Posted 7/21/08 7:23 PM |
May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05 2083 total posts
Name: Suzanne
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did. I called the doctor and she said to come to the hospital. HTH
Posted 7/21/08 7:23 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: did anyone's water break?
You should call your doctor first, they will call the hospital to let them know you are coming. Plus you'll want your doctor to meet you there so a little notice is good
Posted 7/21/08 7:23 PM |
Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07 5191 total posts
Name: mich
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did we called the dr and he met us there but its not ike you have to run, youll have time
Posted 7/21/08 7:27 PM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did. It was 5am on Easter Sunday, so I called the office, paged the NP and she told me that if it was any other day, I could go into the office when they opened (since I was not having contractions and the fluid was clear). But, since it was Sunday, and she and the DR were at the hospital, I went in to be monitored. I was home in about 2 hours and told to call when/if contractions were regularly a few minutes apart or come in at 7am the next morning... which ever came first. NO contractions, so I went in the next morning and ended up having a c-section at 9:30 am.
Posted 7/21/08 7:31 PM |
Mom to two boys :)
Member since 5/05 3384 total posts
Name: Jola (pronounced Yola)
Re: did anyone's water break?
My water broke at 5am, I called the Dr and he said to come to the hospital at 9am.. I wasn't having any contractions.
Posted 7/21/08 7:36 PM |
Member since 5/05 5025 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Yes - For both of my DD's. Both times I called the dr. 1st time I met him at his office - He did an internal and the flood gates opened on his shoes. I guess the 2nd time he took my word for it because we met him at the hospital.
Posted 7/21/08 7:44 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Yep. I wasn't 100% sure that's what it was, so I waited a little bit to call the doctor. After one solid "gush" I realized I was an idiot for questioning it and then called the doc and he sent me to the hospital.
Posted 7/21/08 7:51 PM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: did anyone's water break?
Posted by Suzanne
Mine did. I called the doctor and she said to come to the hospital. HTH
Same here. They will definitely have you go to the hospital because you have to give birth within a certain time frame after it breaks.
Posted 7/21/08 7:53 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine broke at home at 6 a.m. on a Sunday. I called my OB and he told me he would meet me at the hospital.
Posted 7/21/08 7:53 PM |
cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07 4407 total posts
Name: Candice
Re: did anyone's water break?
mine did...we went to the hospital right away because it wouldnt stop gushing...very gross feeling!
Posted 7/21/08 8:07 PM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did - but it was a slow leak, so I didn't know what it was. I called the doctor's office a few hours later just in case and they told me to go to the hospital. I wasn't having contractions, so it's a good thing I went!
Posted 7/21/08 8:52 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
mine broke. It was a Sunday AM. I called the Dr's office and the on call dr. at the hospital met me. They had me come in because I was strep B positive.
Posted 7/21/08 9:01 PM |

Member since 6/07 2024 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did, but I didn't call until I started having regular contractions 2 hours later. I was then told to come straight in because my contractions were 4 minutes apart.
Posted 7/21/08 9:14 PM |
My two Girls=)
Member since 7/07 1421 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did, but I thought I peed on myself initially b/c I had no contractions until about 2 hours later....that's when I called the midwife. She told to count how far apart they were and I went in to the hospital about 1hr later.
Posted 7/21/08 9:16 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: did anyone's water break?
My water broke, I called the Dr. ate a bowl of cheerios and then went to the hospital...prob about an hour after it broke.
Posted 7/21/08 9:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/07 981 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Yup. Mine did. You should call your doctor so they know to meet you at the hospital. They will probably tell you to go right to the hospital.
Posted 7/21/08 9:19 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine broke at like 3am...I also had bloody show, got to the hospital by 4am... had DD at 6am...
Posted 7/21/08 9:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 623 total posts
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine broke at home. We called the doctor and he said to get to the hospital within an hour which was just enough time for me to clean up, DH took a quick shower and we stopped for coffee for him on the way. Water broke at around 6:45, got to hospital around 8, DS was born at 1:03.
Posted 7/21/08 9:54 PM |
How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07 8257 total posts
Name: Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did.... but it was meconium filled, so I didn't even bother calling. I showered and went directly there. They paged my doctor when I got there.
Posted 7/21/08 10:27 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine did, but I was on my way to the hospital for an induction anyway.
Posted 7/21/08 10:29 PM |
CT. here we come!!

Member since 5/08 2944 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine broke in the middle of the night. I called the doc. on his emergency line, and he told me to get to the hospital ASAP.
Posted 7/21/08 10:29 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: did anyone's water break?
Mine didn't. The doctor broke mine when i was about 6 or 8 cms along.
Posted 7/21/08 10:30 PM |

Member since 5/05 3893 total posts
Name: Patti
Re: did anyone's water break?
I was having contractions that started at 2 am and became very regular. I was going to cal Dr. at 7am , my water broke at 6 am so I called and she sent me to the hospital.
Posted 7/21/08 11:15 PM |
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