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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Feeding- On demand or schedule
And for those who say schedule....HOW do you schedule it? I would like to try to establish a daytime at least schedule. But its not happening.
DS seems to eat when he wants and sleep when he wants on an ever changing daily schedule.
Posted 7/2/07 11:42 AM |
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Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I fed on demand for atleast a month, I think it was closer to two. Then I started being able to figure out how long he could go. I would feed every 3 hours, then every 4. Of course, if he seemed crazed, I would feed on demand. And I always fed on demand overnight until he started sleeping through the night. Then all nightime feedings stopped.
Posted 7/2/07 11:45 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I think it depends on BFing or formula -- you know we don't have a schedule!! Whenever she screams basically...
Posted 7/2/07 11:47 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I fed on a schedule but Jake put himself on the schedule. We came home from the hospital and he was eating about every 1.5 hrs and little by little he stretched out the feedings because he would sleep longer or stay awake longer before he fell asleep, etc. So he really made his own schedule. If he ever seemed hungry earlier than his scheduled feeding, we just fed him and that usually happened whenever I gave him BM. So after I stopped pumping and he was exclusively on formula (about 6 weeks old or so) his schedule became more consistent.
Posted 7/2/07 11:51 AM |
Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
when they were first born their schedule was every 3 hours. If they polished off 75% of their bottles, I increased teh amount by 30cc, as per pediatrician's advice. They seemed to do well with that method and didn't get hungry in between.
Posted 7/2/07 11:54 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
on demand....after a few weeks I started writing down times that Alyson woke, ate, fell back asleep and noticed she had fallen into her own pattern/schedule.
try that and you may notice that DS has his own rhythm going as far as length of time versus clock time (ie: every 3 hrs he wakes to eat, etc)
Newborns don't have an internal biorhythm yet, so they eat/sleep when they need to versus going by a clock.
Posted 7/2/07 11:57 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
We're still on demand, but I'm hoping to get a schedule soon.
Like a PP said, I'm going to start writing down Logan's day to see if there's a pattern there I'm just not seeing at this point and try to tweak it from there.
Posted 7/2/07 11:59 AM |
Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06 3554 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
Cadence is 2 months now and she is basically on a schedule... Every 3 hours until 10:30 at nite... and then she sleeps till 6-6:30
Posted 7/2/07 12:04 PM |
Me and the guys

Member since 5/05 4024 total posts
Name: Heidi
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
Tyler is a little over 7 weeks and is feeding on demand. It seems that his pattern is every 2.5-3hrs, but it isn't consistent. Sometimes he snacks all day instead of eating full meals.
Posted 7/2/07 12:06 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
Steven put himself on a schedule. Maybe if you try writing down when and how much he is eating and sleeping. Over a period of time, I'm sure you will see some sort of schedule. It doesn't have to be minute to minute, but you may see that every day between 8 and 9 he wants a bottle, and between 10 and 11, he looks for a nap, or whatever.
Also, did you read "Secrets of the Baby Wisperer"? She gives some GREAT advice on how to get a schedule established.
Posted 7/2/07 12:15 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I did and still do feed on demand
Posted 7/2/07 12:18 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I fed on demand for about 3 months but she did fall into somewhat of a rhythm at around a month in a half.
Posted 7/2/07 12:36 PM |
I'm a rolling machine.
Member since 9/06 2064 total posts
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
ideally, he is on schedule to eat every 3 hours. like a clock. sometimes he is hungry at 2.5, I feed him. Sometimes he naps through it and eats at 3.5-4. If we're lucky, at night, 5 hours! I was told by the pediatritian to feed on demand...but generally, he wishes to eat every 3 hours. Basically, they didn't want me to "starve" him to 3 full hours if he wanted it at 2.5.
Posted 7/2/07 12:47 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
We fed on demand in the beginning, and they worked themselves into a schedule. But I'm a SAHM, so it's easy for me to work my day around them. I imagine that if you are going back to work the daycare centers prefer a schedule.
Posted 7/2/07 12:51 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
I fed on demand in the early months, DD kinda set her own schedule and we rolled with it, instead of forcing her on our schedules.
I figured we eat when we're hungry, we drink when we're thirsty, why should a baby be any different and not "allowed" to eat/drink til a set time.
But that's what worked for us
Posted 7/2/07 1:08 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Feeding- On demand or schedule
Posted by snuggleupagus
ideally, he is on schedule to eat every 3 hours. like a clock. sometimes he is hungry at 2.5, I feed him. Sometimes he naps through it and eats at 3.5-4. If we're lucky, at night, 5 hours! I was told by the pediatritian to feed on demand...but generally, he wishes to eat every 3 hours. Basically, they didn't want me to "starve" him to 3 full hours if he wanted it at 2.5.
Actually, this is exactly what we do. But we are getting up to 6 hours at night now
Posted 7/2/07 1:48 PM |