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Feeding schedule for 11 month old

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

581 total posts


Feeding schedule for 11 month old

Just curios about everyones feeding schedules and what you are all feeding your 11 to 12 month olds. My daughter just turned 11 months, and I need some ideas. TIA

Posted 11/4/05 11:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Feeding schedule for 11 month old

Cassidy is 10 1/2 months. She has...

Breakfast- 6 oz. bottle (2 oz. go into her cereal) and cereal with fruit

Lunch- 5 oz. bottle, diced fruit and veggies

Dinner- 5 oz. bottle, either cut up chicken, pizza, or 1/2 container of Gerber Graduates and fruit or veggies

Bedtime- 8 oz. bottle

She also snacks on Gerber fruit puffs or Gerber Graduates Mini Fruits

Posted 11/4/05 12:50 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Feeding schedule for 11 month old

Marissa is 14 months

for breakfast she gets a sippy cup of milk

she will have either a waffle, french toast, pancake, ( I buy them fromthe frozen food section) other things she eats are eggs, gerber cereal bars Oatmeal

Lunch she has choices of grill cheese, chicken nuggets,McCains smiley fries, Jelly sandwich, Cold cuts in a wrap, MAc & Cheese, PAstina or tubatini mixed with butter

For dinner she eats whatever I make for dinner

She gets some juice in her sippy cups during the day as well as water also she snacks on danimals yogart (just made the switch from yo baby) now that she can have berries she snacks also on the gerber puffs, gold fishes, wagon wheels and I will also give her peices of fruit

Posted 11/4/05 3:02 PM

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