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Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Feeding schedule at 6 months
Can anyone share their feeding schedule? Brendan is 6.5 months and is now eating cereal, fruits, and veggies. I'm trying to feed him 3x a day, but not sure if I'm planning it out right around when he nurses. And about how much solids should I be giving him? He's been eating 1/2 to a whole jar of fruit or veggie along with some cereal. Does that sound right?
Posted 9/26/06 7:57 PM |
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Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Feeding schedule at 6 months
So glad you posted this, I was just thinking about this today b/c not sure if DD is nursing enough. Her schedule and she is 6.5 months: Wake up(usually sometime btwn 6 and 7), boob, usually just one side. 1-1.5 hrs later, 4 or 5 tbs cereal with fruit (stage 1 or half stage 2) Few hours later, nurse. Then lunch... 1 jar of stage 2 meat with veg or yogurt with fruit. Few hours later, nurse. Then dinner, cereal with veg or stage 2 meat if i did yogurt for lunch. Then about an hour and a half later I try to nurse her before bed and sometimes she takes it, sometimes not.
Posted 9/26/06 8:11 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Feeding schedule at 6 months
We exclusively breast feed on demand.
Posted 9/26/06 8:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Feeding schedule at 6 months
Meat is ok at this age? I guess that it depends on how well the child swallows?
Wake at 7 - 6 oz. bottle or cereal/fruit 9:30 6 oz bottle 12:30-1:00 6 oz bottle and one jar stage two vegies 3:00-3:30 6 oz bottle 6:30 one jar of vegies and half jar-one full jar of fruit mixed with cereal. Lately he has wanted a 4 oz. bottle as well. 8:00 - last bottle (4-6 oz)
Hungry boy!!!
Message edited 9/26/2006 8:36:47 PM.
Posted 9/26/06 8:33 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Feeding schedule at 6 months
Yes meat is ok now(7 mos or so) per my pediatrician but I refuse to give jarred meats.
My DD is the same age as Brendan....
9 am bottle( 8 oz) with 2 tablespoons of cereal and 1/2 jar of fruit
12ish bottle 8 oz
3pm bottle 8 0z with 1/2 jar of veggie
630ish bottle 8 0z
Sometimes she leaves 1-2 oz behind. My ped said that if she wanted to eat the full jar at each feeding that would be fine. But she's pretty content right now with this schedule. She weighs in at 19lbs, 10.5 oz
Posted 9/27/06 8:48 AM |
2 1/2

Member since 12/05 1304 total posts
Name: kristen
Re: Feeding schedule at 6 months
Shannon wakes up around 7/8 and we have oatemal, a little fruit and a 5 ounce bottle,
nap time (sometimes just a bottle after) sometimes she holds out till lunch which is a 6 ounce bottle and fruit and veggie,
5 ounce bottle and then dinner is 5 ounce bottle stage 2 dinner and a fruit bittle right before bed..
Posted 9/27/06 9:43 AM |