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Fetal Doppler? Update with questions!!!!!***

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LIF Zygote

Member since 8/13

15 total posts


Re: Fetal Doppler? Update with questions!!!!!***

Posted by AugustMom

Does anyone use one to reassure themselves? I am going crazy with worry!!

Update: I know I am not a doctor but I am having trouble finding the heartrate!! I am 14 weeks and not the slimmest girl, but I can't hear any galloping sound. There are numbers that keep flashing up, 120 to 135 ish but I am usually always told the baby is like 170ish. Are those numbers the heartbeats? I am at a loss. I am not freaking out yet, I am just chalking it up to that I am Spaz!!! Lol

I didn't buy a doppler and I'm glad I didn't. My OB couldn't find the heartbeat using the doppler until around 18 weeks. I also have extra padding in the stomach area. It would have caused me so much anxiety if I tried this at home.

Posted 8/22/13 9:18 AM

A new beginning

Member since 2/07

3600 total posts


Re: Fetal Doppler? Update with questions!!!!!***

It took me three days to find the heartbeat. The third day I looked at some youtube videos and went home to try. It took me three tries but then I found it. Use a bit of pressure when you are searching. Do one area at a time and make a slow circle with the doppler. Don't look at the doppler machine just listen. I found I was so caught up with the numbers I couldn't hear what it was really picking up. Once you hear it it's unmistakable.

Posted 8/23/13 8:01 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

136 total posts


Fetal Doppler? Update with questions!!!!!***

it is what kept me sane throughout my pregnancy. expecially when l/o was slepping and i didnt feel him....its a little tricky bc you can hear your own "hearbeat" due to one of your main arteries/ blood flow...the fetal is really fast and it takes time to find patient.

Posted 11/4/13 2:01 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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