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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7625 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
The RE called me back today. I told him that I wish he had been more honest about the embryo quality and while I realize it is good to be optimistic, I also like when people are realistic in their expectations. he said next time he will be sure to inform me of the exact rating.
He thinks this may have just been a bad bunch and that we should try again - maybe try a 3dt instead of a 5dt since sometimes the embryos do better in their natural environment. He said they looked okay on Day 3 . At that point, we had 3s and 2s - so they were not the best, but not awful. (1-4 scale, 4 being the best)
On CD 3 this month, I am probably going to get blood work and a sonogram done. They want to check my ovaries for cysts and I also want to know if my ovaries are still enlarged so I know if I can return to my regular exercise routine for the time being. The RE said we can start another round in June.
Posted 5/2/12 5:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
Were your embryos blasts on day 5?
I think a 3dt is a good idea for your June cycle.
Posted 5/2/12 5:46 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7625 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
I believe they were blasts. On day 3, they were all the correct number of cells, but none were rated as a 4. By day 5, the 5 remaining embryos were rated as a 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (on a 1-5 scale). On the A-D scale, they were BC and CC. I am hoping this was just a bad batch, but I guess we will see what happens in June/July.
We have 18 vials of sperm remaining (5 different samples). Currently, out RE only has one sample day - so I wonder if we should look into transporting others. We were using this one since it had the "best" numbers for motility and morphology.
Message edited 5/2/2012 6:03:53 PM.
Posted 5/2/12 6:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/10 2245 total posts
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
That's all I needed to do to get better results! Godd luck
Posted 5/2/12 6:36 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7625 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
Posted by 01ellie
That's all I needed to do to get better results! Godd luck
You did a 3dt opposed to a 5dt?
Posted 5/2/12 7:10 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/11 669 total posts
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
From my understanding because we had questions about embryo quality as that if an embryo lives to 5D the likelyhood of that resulting in a pregnancy is much greater. They want to transfer a good blast/a triboblast and by D3 it is too early for them to disgunigish which will grow to be "good quality blasts"... some with thrive better in utero as opposed to invitro but then which do you choose since they are all inthe beginning stages...
I questioned doing a 3dt myself and decided against it with the above said information I recieved from our RE. We looked back in my chart and based on size and shape they all (7) looked good on D3 yet not all but 1 became a Grade C blast. which resulted in a BFN.
Ive also read that if embryo development starts to decline after day three it is most likely a genetic issue with the sperm...We are dealing with this now and have seen a geneticist and are having testing done.
Sending you well wishes and good luck...I hope everything works out for you...
Posted 5/2/12 9:28 PM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
I mostly agree with the PP. A 5dt is more likely to result in pregnancy than a 3dt because they can choose the best embies to put back. However, worst case is the best 2 aren't chosen and make it to freeze. At least you'd have them for a FET.
When you're dealing with sperm that may not be great, the embies will begin to slow down at day 4. We had 4 embies at day 3 that were great: 2 A+s and 2As. However, none made it to blast on day 5. Only 2 survived to day 5. They were morulas and the cycle failed. Had we transfered on day 3, we wouldn't have known about the slow down in all of our embies.
My advice to you, though, is to try again if you can financially swing it. There's a chance they can find better sperm next time.
Posted 5/2/12 9:33 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Finally Spoke to the RE about Embryo Quality
just wanted to say best of luck!
Posted 5/2/12 9:50 PM |