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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11 589 total posts
Name: L
First Anniversary Gift HELP
Hey! We are going to the DR for our first anniversary, but I feel I should give DH something. Sicne the first anniversary is "paper" I figured I woudl try to be traditional and give him somethign along those lines... all I can think if is tickets to a sporting event. Does anyone else have any other ideas?! TIA!
Posted 5/2/12 10:43 AM |
Mama x2 <3
Member since 12/10 4946 total posts
Re: First Anniversary Gift HELP
I bought DH tickets to the Yankee/Mets game in June, and he was so excited. If your not looking for a sporting event, maybe tix to a concert, or show. Or maybe buy him train tickets and spend the day in the city, or go out east to montauk for the day
Posted 5/2/12 12:02 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11 589 total posts
Name: L
Re: First Anniversary Gift HELP
I was thinking a Yankee game. Thr train tix are a good idea too and the concert tix !! Thanks!!!
Posted 5/2/12 5:41 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 7/11 20 total posts
Name: Helen
Re: First Anniversary Gift HELP
Scrape book is a perfect first anniversary gift that you can choose along with tickets to a sporting event.
Posted 5/22/12 2:03 AM |
First Anniversary Gift HELP
Yup, gift like ticket to any sporting event is really good thing to give but only when if the person is interested in that sport event.
Posted 8/7/12 5:55 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: First Anniversary Gift HELP
I know this is an old thread, but maybe someone else will want to know. We went back to Sandals St Lucia for our honeymoon. That was supposed to be the mutual gift but DH insisted on buying me jewelry.
I paid for our SCUBA lessons. The certification is the "paper". So you can think outside the box and in addition to a trip or sporting event, it can be an activity for you two to do together
Posted 8/10/12 12:21 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
First Anniversary Gift HELP
I got a framed art pic from etsy. I sent the artist all of the cards from birthdays, valentines, love notes, etc... That we had through the years and she cut them into little hearts and framed it. The shop is called Celadon Home
Anniversary gift
Message edited 8/14/2012 10:25:27 PM.
Posted 8/14/12 10:21 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 9/12 1 total post
Name: aidenbarcaly21
First Anniversary Gift HELP
nice to see your post
Posted 9/17/12 9:34 AM |
First Anniversary Gift HELP
Giving scrapbook is the best gift for first anniversary along with that you can give him greeting card.
Posted 5/30/13 8:55 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/13 23 total posts
First Anniversary Gift HELP
I gave DH lottery tickets. We went out to a nice diner!
Posted 8/13/13 11:03 PM |