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Member since 2/06 2506 total posts
Name: Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)
For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Please don't flame. I'm looking for advice/opinions from BTDT moms only.
We are having difficulty with DS lately and sleeping on his back at night. For the passed three nights he will NOT sleep on his back. We can't figure out if its a gas thing or he just doesn't like sleeping on his back anymore. Once we pick him up and lay him on our chest, he gets quiet. We will put him to sleep, put him back in the bassinet lay him on his back and within minutes he will wake up crying and we start all over again. We are both losing our minds since we haven't slept well the passed few nights. This morning while DH had DS on his chest, he put the baby on the bed on his stomach with a pacifier. He was fine and didn't say a peep and actually fell asleep.
We swaddle him, shh him, use paci or nurse him to sleep, burp him a ton of times and change him. One of these options would work before. Not anymore.
For those BTDT moms that put your newborn to sleep on their stomach through the night, how many weeks was your DC when you started doing this? Did you use anything to keep your DC safe while sleeping?
Posted 1/1/10 2:08 PM |
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Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
My dr said to only sleep on belly if i am there to watch him. Obviously if you are going to sleep too, thats not possible. I know my cousin started putting her daughter at around 7-8wks. Im sure you are at your wits end bc there is nothing worse than a baby that wont sleep. HAs your DC always been this way or is it something new?
Posted 1/1/10 2:11 PM |
BAM 2009
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Member since 5/09 6081 total posts
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Was tempted a few time to let DS sleep on his tummy when he was really young. He is only 10 weeks now and for the last 2-3 weeks, I have been letting him nap on his belly on the couch or the floor while I am right next to him. Try to put DS on his side in a sleep postioner. I did that from the day he came home. He slept better...They had him on his side in the nursery, so I figured it was fine to do at home. Pedi OK'ed it....
Posted 1/1/10 2:12 PM |
My happy babies

Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
i let him sleep on his stomach for a nap around 4 weeks but by 6 weeks at night i let him sleep on his stomach - he slept much better - he has good head control and i always put him down and do not adjust his arms - i figure where his arms naturally go is the best place for him - i do not swaddle though
Posted 1/1/10 2:19 PM |
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Is it possible to let him fall asleep on his stomach and then flip him over? I did this with my DD a few times because she was a fussy napper.
Posted 1/1/10 2:24 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
I didn't let them sleep on their stomachs until they were doing it on their own and I had no choice in the matter.
Posted 1/1/10 2:30 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
do you use the miracle blanket for swaddling?
Posted 1/1/10 2:31 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Posted by conigs25
My dr said to only sleep on belly if i am there to watch him. Obviously if you are going to sleep too, thats not possible. I know my cousin started putting her daughter at around 7-8wks. Im sure you are at your wits end bc there is nothing worse than a baby that wont sleep. HAs your DC always been this way or is it something new?
My ped said the same, or similar. That it was good to have DC nap on their belly.
It is a totally personal decision
Posted 1/1/10 2:33 PM |
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
There are a handful of us who had belly sleeping newborns, and swear that it was the key to them being comfortable and sleeping.
DD was about 5 or 6 weeks before I finally gave in and let her sleep on her belly. She HATED and still hates to this day to sleep on her back. My mom actually suggested it to me, and I gave it a shot, and she was never more comfortable and happy. Before I did this, she would wake up the MINUTE I put her down on her back if she fell asleep on me, and would cry. She fuss until I picked her and fell asleep again on me (on her belly), and then the cycle would continue once I put her back in her crib on her back.
I was nervous at first, but went with my gut as a mommy, and it worked for her.
Good luck!
Posted 1/1/10 2:37 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Joey naps on his tummy, I tried the miracle blanket, it worked once but not since then. I mean he'll go down for 30 minutes on his back, wake up and when I flip him on his tummy he's OUT for like another hour/hour and half. I put the angel care monitor in his crib, I have a video monitor that I check often, I go in often...I have a few times let him get into a deep sleep on his tummy, then flip him, that seemed to work.
I don't allow him to go to bed though on his belly since I'm not awake with him (& he's ok on back at night) HOWEVER you must do what you are comfortable doing. I also give him mylicon drops before every bottle at night so that may help
We as children all slept on our tummies, it's all so confusing.
We may just have babies that sleep better on there tummies and there may not be anything we can do about it.
Posted 1/1/10 3:06 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Posted by dottiemchugh
I was nervous at first, but went with my gut as a mommy, and it worked for her.
Good luck!
Agree with this. Is it ideal? no.
Posted 1/1/10 3:07 PM |
Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08 3169 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
My oldest DC is 16. The "Back to Sleep" Campaign didn't start until he was almost a year old. I let both my other 2 sleep on their bellies as well. Keep in mind, that this is what we were told to do.
Take that however you want.
Posted 1/1/10 3:14 PM |
my boys

Member since 2/06 2506 total posts
Name: Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
This started three nights ago.
I haven't tried the miracle blanket. I started using the swaddle me today. He's napping right now on his back and has been for the passed hour and a half. He would act up during nap times on some occasions but not as bad as at night.
We always put him to sleep first then move him to the bassinet. He'll either fall asleep while eating, on our chest and even a few times in the swing. We always use the glider and that helps put him to sleep. He never goes to the bassinet awake. But within 5 minutes of us putting him in the bassinet he starts crying.
I'm going to try putting him down on his belly first then turning him after a few minutes.
We have a ped appt on Monday. I'll ask him and see what he suggests.
Thanks ladies
Posted 1/1/10 3:17 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
DD has slept all night on her tummy since about 6 weeks old. I tried and tried to get her to sleep on her back- she hated it. She constantly startled herself awake and would get upset. She hated being swaddled so that was not an option.
I talked to her ped at her 6wk appt and he said tummy sleeping was fine.
Posted 1/1/10 3:23 PM |
my boys

Member since 2/06 2506 total posts
Name: Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)
Re: For BTDT moms: Newborn sleeping on stomach
Posted by DPerotti
Joey naps on his tummy, I tried the miracle blanket, it worked once but not since then. I mean he'll go down for 30 minutes on his back, wake up and when I flip him on his tummy he's OUT for like another hour/hour and half. I put the angel care monitor in his crib, I have a video monitor that I check often, I go in often...I have a few times let him get into a deep sleep on his tummy, then flip him, that seemed to work.
I don't allow him to go to bed though on his belly since I'm not awake with him (& he's ok on back at night) HOWEVER you must do what you are comfortable doing. I also give him mylicon drops before every bottle at night so that may help
We as children all slept on our tummies, it's all so confusing.
We may just have babies that sleep better on there tummies and there may not be anything we can do about it.
We are using Mylicon now for every feeding due to his gas issues. This has helped tremendously. I also have the video monitor on every time DS is sleeping and I'm not in the room with him. We keep our ceiling fan on 24/7. The bassinet is in our room.
I'm just nervous if something happened to DS while sleeping on his tummy kwim? I just find it weird it only is happening at night. Although I enjoy having him sleep on my chest the lack of sleep the past few nights has me batty
Posted 1/1/10 3:32 PM |