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For formula mommies..

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I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

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For formula mommies..

How long did you boil water for when making your bottles? How long did you warm up the bottles for? Are these things we keep doing or do you stop at somepoint??

Posted 5/13/07 12:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: For formula mommies..

Posted by jinglemommy

How long did you boil water for when making your bottles? How long did you warm up the bottles for? Are these things we keep doing or do you stop at somepoint??

I don't boil or warm....I have always used filtered tap water (from my brita pitcher) and I use it room temp. I just keep the pitcher on the counter and use it when I need to make a bottle

Posted 5/13/07 1:06 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

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Re: For formula mommies..

I also never boil or warm. I use room temp bottled water. Makes life so much easier.

Although, in the beginning, we would run the last bottle before bedtime under warm water, but one day Jack reacted negatively to it. We cooled it off and he drank it right up. We never warmed one again.

Posted 5/13/07 1:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: For formula mommies..

I use distilled water bottle from the boling water.

Posted 5/13/07 1:26 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: For formula mommies..

I boiled water for the first three months. My mom still boils the water because she doesn't have a tap filter, like I do.

I stopped sterilizing at around 3 months as well. I still give him warm bottles. I just use warm water. If I used RTF, I would still warm the bottles, but I use powder.

Posted 5/13/07 8:50 PM

I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

1389 total posts


Re: For formula mommies..

I use bottled water and i am still boiling??!!?!? What is wrong with me. I just am not sure bc on the can (I use alimentum) it says to boil. I am not sure if this is just because if the water is warm then it mixes better? Oh and I have to make a batch at a time bc we give ds 24 calories instead of 20 calories so I have to adjust amounts.

Posted 5/13/07 11:02 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: For formula mommies..

I used tap water and boiled it for 3-5 minutes. Then I would let it cool a bit and mix it with the powder in a pitcher for a whole day's supply.

When I warmed it, I would nuke it for 40 seconds for 6 ounces.

ETA: it definately mixes better with warm water. I also found that if I mixed it as I needed it, per bottle, she spit up much more. When I mixed it in advance and then let the bubbles all settle, she was much better.

Message edited 5/14/2007 9:28:07 AM.

Posted 5/14/07 9:26 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: For formula mommies..

Posted by jinglemommy

I use bottled water and i am still boiling??!!?!? What is wrong with me. I just am not sure bc on the can (I use alimentum) it says to boil. I am not sure if this is just because if the water is warm then it mixes better? Oh and I have to make a batch at a time bc we give ds 24 calories instead of 20 calories so I have to adjust amounts.

All forumla cans say to mix with boiled water. You don't need to be doing double work and boiling bottled water though.

Posted 5/14/07 12:56 PM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: For formula mommies..

we use bottled room temp. water. It works great - no clumps or anything

Posted 5/14/07 12:58 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: For formula mommies..

I've always used Poland spring and put it in the microwave to warm..Shake after to get rid of hot spots..

I never boiled anything.Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/07 1:03 PM

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