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For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

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So in Love....

Member since 3/07

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A Family of 4

For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

Do you want anymore children??

I am just curious....I know they say every pregnancy is different and there is no fact that I will have it again BUT bc I did I am terrified to have more children and I just wanted to know if anyone felt the same way. My DH wants one more and everyone tells me everyday that its selfish of me to have only one child but I feel that what I went through was so bad that I dont want to take the you think I will ever get over this fear?? My DD is 18 months. Chat Icon

Edited to say.....I also have health issues that only came after the baby so to me (and DH) my health is top priority. When I had DD we lived at my parents for the first month so I had 24/7 help and then we bought a house and someone would come over everyday but with that all said and done it still scares the SH!T out of me but I wanna stop feeling guilty for only wanted ONE.

Message edited 7/13/2009 3:03:28 PM.

Posted 7/13/09 2:22 PM
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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

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Yes, I want more children. I want at least one more (plus at my age and my fertility issues, that may NOT happen).

I knew PPD was a very big likilihood for me given my history with depression in the past. Thankfully, my PPD wasn't so severe, but the fact that I'm aware it's a possibility for me, I think makes it easier for me to say without a doubt I want more children. Not sure if that makes sense or not...Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 2:30 PM

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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

No, but this has nothing to do with PPD. DH and I are up there in age, plus we both have health issues that didn't exist before DS was born so the idea of caring for two children isn't soudning reasonable to us now. But I would love to have another child if these circumstances were different, despite PPD.

I can understand your concern. Maybe wait a bit longer if you can, and definitely talk this over with your doctors and see if there are things you can do to prevent a recurrence. I don't know that there really are, but you can ask. Also, I would try to arrange for a nanny or family members to stay with us the first couple months to help care for DC if I was unable to--this may not work for you, but it's something to think about to take some pressure off you.

Posted 7/13/09 2:56 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

This was my #1 fear when contemplating having another...that and the colicky behavior that DD had. i told DH that i would be happy with only one child for this exact reason, but in my heart i knew i wanted DD to have a sibling. i love my brothers and sisters and can't imagine life w/o them. so that feeling was stronger than my fear i guess b/c i am due with Chat Icon next week. am i scared out of my mind? you bet....
but i feel that if i am aware and honest about it, i know there is help out there. i got through it one time and know i can again.
it is a VERY personal and important decision that only you can make. and don't listen to people who say it is "wrong" or selfish to only have one child. that's ridiculous and only you know what you can handle.Chat Icon

edited to add though that after this baby i am DONE!Chat Icon

Message edited 7/13/2009 3:06:41 PM.

Posted 7/13/09 3:04 PM

Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

I am in the same boat as you. DS is almost 18 months. I just went off birth control 2 months ago.

My DH wanted to TTC for #2 when DS was only 6 months. I am terrified of feeling the way I did after DS was born. Partly because now I would have a toddler who is old enough to notice if my behavior is "off" and I am not myself and depressed.

This time, I will make sure I have a lot of help, and get treatment a lot sooner than I did the first time.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you. I completely relate to how you are feeling.

Posted 7/13/09 3:35 PM

Happy Winter!

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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

yes i want more children. my son has pdd and my younger son doesn't. so who knows why one has it and one doesn't? i don't know if we will have another. i had two miscarriages in the past couple of years. but if it happens that's not really an issue to me. God gives you what you can handle.Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 4:36 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

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Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

I just wanted to say that I had horrific PPD after DD#1, and it scared me to death to go through that again. The Dr wanted me to go on meds as soon as I delivered #2. I opted to wait and see, and Honestly, I was FINE. It was like a friggin miracle. So I just wanted to say, it can happen.

Posted 7/13/09 9:49 PM

So in Love....

Member since 3/07

1622 total posts

A Family of 4

Re: For Moms with 1 child who suffered from PPD

Thank you for your replies...this is something I will just have to work really hard to over come but right now the fear is just so over powering.


Posted 7/14/09 8:01 AM

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