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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
From No dilation-Labor
Any stories?
Theres a good 7-8 of us on the PG board all over 37 weeks with not much progress happening.
Any Fast labor or any stories of labor to encourage us that ANYTHING is possible even when theres no sign of progress?
Message edited 5/30/2007 7:46:25 PM.
Posted 5/30/07 6:49 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by dm24angel
Any stories?
Theres a good 7-8 of us on the PG board all over 37 weeks with not much progress happening.
Any Fast labor or any stories of labor to encourage us that ANYTHING is possible?
Sorry I dont have any hopeful news to share - that was me - even at 40 weeks. The only reason I was induced was because I had low fluid, or my dr. would have let me go another week!
Posted 5/30/07 6:51 PM |
Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Not my story... but my good friend had NOTHING going on and wound up going into labor ten days early... she got to the hospital at 430 and had the baby by 730. It was her 1st baby too.
Posted 5/30/07 6:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by lipglossjunky73
Posted by dm24angel
Any stories?
Theres a good 7-8 of us on the PG board all over 37 weeks with not much progress happening.
Any Fast labor or any stories of labor to encourage us that ANYTHING is possible?
Sorry I dont have any hopeful news to share - that was me - even at 40 weeks. The only reason I was induced was because I had low fluid, or my dr. would have let me go another week!
Well it was SUPPOSSED to be an inspirational thread...not so much now....
Posted 5/30/07 7:01 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: From No dilation-Labor
well, I was only 8 days early but at my doc's appt there was nothing going on then a few days later, bam, started having contractions in the middle of the night, didn't even really know they were, sat on the couch for a while, showered, went to the doc, I was 7CM!
Posted 5/30/07 7:04 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I made no progression, my last doc appt was at 39w3d's, I finally was a fingertip dilated. I went home and I went into early labor-bearable nothing that hurt enough for me to stop doing things that day.
My contractions got really bad at about 11pm and by 3am I couldn't take it anymore, I was at the hospital at 4am.
When I got there i was 2 cms, by 8am I was 4 and asked for my epi. The epi slowed my contraction and at 10am I had pitocin, and by 4pm I was ready to push.
You just never know, My SIL went into labor zero dilated and 100% effaced.
Posted 5/30/07 7:04 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by sweetness
I made no progression, my last doc appt was at 39w3d's, I finally was a fingertip dilated. I went home and I went into early labor-bearable nothing that hurt enough for me to stop doing things that day.
My contractions got really bad at about 11pm and by 3am I couldn't take it anymore, I was at the hospital at 4am.
When I got there i was 2 cms, by 8am I was 4 and asked for my epi. The epi slowed my contraction and at 10am I had pitocin, and by 4pm I was ready to push.
You just never know, My SIL went into labor zero dilated and 100% effaced.
Love this thread!!! I am a fingertip dialated right now!!! Hopefully this will happen to me!
Posted 5/30/07 7:11 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I wish I could help..I was induced at 37 weeks...but was 1 cm dilated for weeks prior to me being induced
Message edited 5/30/2007 7:24:22 PM.
Posted 5/30/07 7:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 1494 total posts
Name: Carolyn
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Pretty much, I was maybe 1cm if that at my 39 week appt. Nothing was going on...then bam, I went a day early! I actually was only 2cm when I got to the hospital, but 90% effaced. Got to the hospital at about midnight, had my son at 1:20 the next afternoon! I dilated very quickly!! There's hope! And, there's hope for a nice delivery too, I had not too bad of a time really. I had a good experience....I'm a good story, I tell all my pregnant friends...and I have a lot of them right now.
Posted 5/30/07 7:22 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I was only 1 cm. at my 40 week appt. I went into labor that night
Posted 5/30/07 7:43 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by Eireann
I was only 1 cm. at my 40 week appt. I went into labor that night
THIS is what Im talking about
Posted 5/30/07 7:45 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by Diane
I wish I could help..I was induced at 37 weeks...but was 1 cm dilated for weeks prior to me being induced
umm...thats depressing....Just kidding, but not what I was looking for us to hear
Posted 5/30/07 7:47 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I was 2 days late, but I had a relatively quick labor and delivery. I was not dilated at all at any of my doctor's appointments.
Posted 5/30/07 7:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Posted by nymommy2be
I was 2 days late, but I had a relatively quick labor and delivery. I was not dilated at all at any of my doctor's appointments.
There is HOPE! I love you guys
Posted 5/30/07 7:59 PM |
Mommy to 2 boys!
Member since 5/05 4565 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
The day before I went into labor I was a fingertip dialated and he was in position to go but my doc didn't think I would go into labor anytime soon. Well at 2am the contractions started and by the time I got to the hospital at 8am I was 4 cm dialated. I had my son at 559pm.
Posted 5/30/07 8:00 PM |
Re: From No dilation-Labor
well, my dr. kept telling me I could still go into labor at any point...
Posted 5/30/07 8:02 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: From No dilation-Labor
Um....not so much a fast labor story - you know I was brought in to be induced bc of my high fluid levels....the cervidil did put me in FULL blown labor within about 4 hours (which is not the norm). From there I had 22 hours of labor...18 of which withOUT my epi (I was so mad). Then I had the emergency c/s. I'll tell you one thing - I will schedule a c/s next time around.
My words of advice...INSIST on the epi...INSIST on it if you want it - and if you feel ANYTHING at all, tell them to 'top you off' becuase if its inserted properly you can still feel some pain if its starting to wear off....oh an push like h e l l when they tell you - because they'll turn it down if you cant push. LOL
Posted 5/30/07 8:37 PM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: From No dilation-Labor
MOnday I had a dr. appt - nothing - not dialated - not effaced. Tuesday I went into can happen pretty quickly!!
Posted 5/30/07 8:37 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
With my son, I had a dr appt on a Thursday - nothing going on (36 weeks). Monday at work everyone told me I had awhile to go and that I was still real high (I knew I felt like I dropped though for weeks). Well got home from work and my water broke. When I got to the hospital - I was a fingertip dilated and nothing more!!! 12 hours later my son was born.
Message edited 5/30/2007 8:41:39 PM.
Posted 5/30/07 8:41 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: From No dilation-Labor
From 37-39 weeks I was fingertip. Then from 39-41 I was 1 cm. After my 41 week apt., I went into labor the next day and got to the hospital at 3 cm. Progressed to 6 cm in less than 2 hours. Then, I stopped progressing, but that's a whole different issue.
Posted 5/30/07 8:41 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
heres a lil' inspiration... I was 2cm on wednesday and then my water boke on sunday but I still wasnt in "labor" but 16 hrs later BAM she was born so I guess ya never know. Your water can break at any time.
Posted 5/30/07 8:55 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I was 1 cm and no effacement at all for about 2 weeks straight. I went into labor at 2:30 a.m. and by the time I got to the hospital and checked, I was 7 cm and delviered at 10:11 a.m. Oh, this was at 38 weeks.
Posted 5/30/07 9:02 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
First pregnancy: I wasn't dialated at all. 34 weeks. Water broke (not an explosion, definite broke though). I labored at home from about 3am until 11am (it was just crampy, not enough to be considered hard labor). Stopped by the hospital to be evaluated for my water breaking but thought I was having psychosomatic contractions. I was 5 cm dialted. Another 5.5 hours later, Joseph was born. No meds (except an antibiotic) were needed.
Second pregnancy:
Had BH throughout the last trimester. Wasn't happy at all. Complaining. Swollen. Back aching. It was the first time I had experienced the 3rd trimester & I wasn't happy.
At 37 weeks, I was 2cm dialted. Nothing happening at all. By the time I reached 39 weeks, I was convinced I was going to go past my due date. In fact I told someone that at the party we went that weekend. At 1am, I started feeling cramping but nothing horrible. By 1:30am I knew I was in labor. By 2am, I was packing by car & telling DH to get in the car or I was leaving without him. At 2:20, we got to the hosptial. At 2:27am Maddie was born. I showed up fully dilated, no need for pain medication, less than a 1/2 push & she was out.
It was the easiest labor ever. I wish the same for you.
Hope this helps/brings the inspiration you need. You can easily go from 0cm to full labor. From my friend's labors, IMO once they break the water, that's when the dialation really occurs.
Posted 5/30/07 9:03 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: From No dilation-Labor
at my last appt. even though there was no progress. the NP said it could STILL happen at anytime
Posted 5/30/07 9:11 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: From No dilation-Labor
I was 60% effaced and 1 cm at 38 weeks and my OB was convinced I wouldn't make it to the end of the week...I was induced at the beginning of my 42nd week .
My labor was only 10 hours - which isn't bad - I think.
Posted 5/30/07 10:19 PM |
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