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LIF Toddler
Member since 12/06 411 total posts
Name: In due time. No pun intended.
Re: Gender Selection
I do not think there is anything wrong with trying different "natural" ways to conceive either a boy or a girl. Different positions, and timing BDing and things like that. Where is the harm? Personally, I do not think that these methods work, maybe sometimes they do, but how do you know it was because of the timing of BD and not just what was *meant* to happen?
I see no harm.
However, I think that trying scientifically to have either a boy or a girl is just plain wrong. THAT crosses the line into genetically engineering children (meaning taking sperm and fertilizing an egg with either X or Y chromosomes KNOWINGLY), that takes Frankenstein to a whole new level.
But as I said, trying "fun" ways to "try for" one or the other, where is the harm in that?
Personally, we were just trying for all around great sex The baby is an added bonus!
I see what you mean. To me, the fun ways to try for a boy or girl are okay, mainly because they are still a crapshoot.
I don't really like the idea of assigning one sex more value than the other.
Also, how many people do you know who wanted one sex and turned out to be ecstatic about having the other? I know a lot of people like that!!!
One thing that I do enjoy NOW is trying to figure out the sex based on when we probably conceived, position, etc. I just was not willing to do that beforehand.
Message edited 4/9/2007 4:45:44 PM.
Posted 4/9/07 4:21 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Fun in the Snow!
Member since 11/06 4512 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Gender Selection
Posted by shamrock124
Posted by racheeeee
I haven't yet, but I think that if you want a girl you need to eat all pink foods before and during pregnancy and for a boy, you should eat all blue foods.
I am trying that one out with my next baby!!
I can only imagine what happens if you eat green or yellow foods!
Can someone try this method out and let me know what happens? I guess if we see any green babies around...we will know it worked!
I wished really hard for a girl and got one, but I think it was a coincidence!
Posted 4/9/07 4:25 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/07 311 total posts
Re: Gender Selection
I think that everyone is different. For example, I have 2 boys, and honestly, I would LOVE if this baby is another boy (we find out on April 27th). I am hoping it is another boy, but if its not, thats ok too! Its my child either way, and I will LOVE it no matter what. It angers me when people ASSume that the only reason I could possibly be having a 3rd baby is to "go for the girl", that makes it sound like girls are more important and more valued, and that my boys are not as special.
I know that there are people out there who really do not have a preference, but there are a lot of people who secretly DO hope for one sex over the other, and I do not think there is anything wrong with that either.
But I agree, the wondering and guessing is fun!
Posted 4/9/07 4:26 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Gender Selection
based on when i O'd, when we BD, the positions, and everything else, i should be having a girl, but i am actually having a boy, their is really no way to know based on that in my opinion unless they are actually injecting the sperm into the egg and seperating the Y and X chromosomes
Posted 4/9/07 5:19 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Gender Selection
According to TCOYF and when we BD we should be having a girl-and we are in fact having a girl.
I just wanted to test the book out; but I don't really believe it works-it's just a happy coincidence. We would have been happy no matter what the gender of our child. By "trying" for a girl we got to have sex sooner, and that was fine by us.
Posted 4/9/07 7:20 PM |
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