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My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Do your kids get one combined gift or two seperate gfts.
I am a bit annoyed that my kids got something last year to split and then my nephew got the same item from my MIL for himself for his birthday.
I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. I feel like becuase there are two of them that people get them one gift instead of celebrating each birth.
Noone else but my MIL has done this to them, and it really annoys me. I don't think she is doing it on purpose or to be mean, but none the less, she did it.
What are your thoughts?
- Also to add, she has yet to get them a birthday gift from August yet.
Posted 11/2/07 3:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Hmmmm, well at 1, DDs got mostly clothes for each of them and toys to share. But I was fine with that since they should be learning to share and we definitely don't have the room for 2 of everything.
I see what you are saying when its given like that. Your kids kind of got the short end of the stick from MIL b/c they "can" share a toy. That stinks. Has she not seen them since August?
Posted 11/2/07 3:41 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
She lives next door, so she see them all the time. She waits to the last minute to get gifts and two days before thier birthday her uncle died. So she didn't have time to get thier gift. It was in August, and we were away on vacation with all of them for one week, but still, now it looks like it will be their Xmas gift, which I am sure won't be on time either.
My mom told me to ask for seperate toys for them, but I can't see asking for a 200 toy for each of them, since the dvd player for the car was 200, and that was last year's gift.
Message edited 11/2/2007 3:52:43 PM.
Posted 11/2/07 3:52 PM |

Member since 7/06 2168 total posts
Name: lisa
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
we haven't had a bday yet, but i think it would bother me if it was one little dinky toy to share. you wouldn't do that to a family that has, let's say a 4 yr old and a 6 yr old. but a $200 dvd player does seem more like a whole family gift. i mean what else could she have given to the other child that would have been comparable?
Posted 11/2/07 4:33 PM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Everyone always buys one for each of them. It might be different because they are boy/girl - maybe your mil thinks of them as one know, cuz they look the same and all...
I would be annoyed too.
Posted 11/3/07 11:30 AM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Message edited 12/4/2007 6:15:47 AM.
Posted 12/3/07 9:29 PM |
How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05 3725 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Posted by Tracey
Everyone always buys one for each of them. It might be different because they are boy/girl - maybe your mil thinks of them as one know, cuz they look the same and all...
I would be annoyed too.
We did get separate gifts for each. I think I'd be more upset if my MIL did this than if a friend parents and inlaws are soooo generous with our kids.
Posted 12/4/07 8:27 AM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
It upsets me more because it is my MIL, who has the money and I see what she gets their cousins and it does not ever equal.
It is happening again with Xmas, and my niece's B-day. Oh well, I guess it will be like this forever I should get used to it now, since it will apparently never change. I just hope my kid's never actually notice it!
Posted 12/4/07 2:26 PM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Posted by Michelle
It upsets me more because it is my MIL, who has the money and I see what she gets their cousins and it does not ever equal.
It is happening again with Xmas, and my niece's B-day. Oh well, I guess it will be like this forever I should get used to it now, since it will apparently never change. I just hope my kid's never actually notice it!
Eventually, as they get older, they WILL notice - its sad that they don't get treated equally when it comes to gift giving. Has your DH said anything to her about it?
Posted 12/4/07 4:02 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
See that is the thing, I don't them to ever notice something like that. DH doens't know how to approach it.
Posted 12/4/07 5:38 PM |
Prayers to those who need them

Member since 5/05 6631 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
I was just wondering, if someone bought your kids each a gift, do you prefer them to give 2 of the same gift (one for each child) or 2 different gifts? (So you do not have duplicates of the same toy?)
Posted 12/4/07 7:02 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
Really depends on the item. There are some things we have two of and others we have similar, different trucks that do different things.
I am also fine with them sharing bigger gifts, it just annoys me to no end, how my MIL will buy my nephew a year younger the same thing she got my two kids. But this might be because my SIL asks for everything my kids have
Posted 12/4/07 9:58 PM |
Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
For the boys first birthday I asked everyone to only get them on toy if they were going to get them that. However, I found most people brought them 2 different toys. We have so many toys's nuts.
Posted 12/5/07 11:27 AM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Gifts for your kid's birthday's?
I just don't understand the mentality of some people that twins should share a gift that is the same value or is 1 1/2 times the value of the same gift they would give to a single child.
They are two different children that just happen to share the same birthday.
Sorry if it hits people in the pocketbook twice in one week. It happens.
My DH and my brother's GF have the same birthday AND it's the same week as my anniversary... I'm not working this year so money's tight... I know what I'll do... I'll get one of those deluxe makeup kits and we can all share it!!! OK, problem solved Happy Birthday and Anniversary DH be sure to share that lipstick with K and me
Michelle, can you tell MIL what each DS specifically needs/wants for his birthday? And she's late for Christmas? Wow, it's not like the date isn't ALWAYS Dec 25.
Sorry you have to deal with this
Posted 12/5/07 12:16 PM |