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One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Girl Scouts
Has anyone been to the cookie palooza?? Dd's troop wants to go this year but I just heard one really bad review from someone. What's it like??
Posted 10/17/18 1:20 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
This will be our 3rd year going. My daughter has not slept over. The first year was a nightmare to get in and the wait time in the cold was terrible. However, last year they updated the check in process and it was easy and quick. You get assigned a hallway to set up in and pack like you are going camping. Out troop has had a lot of fun.
Posted 10/17/18 1:48 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Girl Scouts
We have been every year and it's a great time! The first year we actually slept over, but nobody slept. The next year they stressed it's not a sleeping event and you cannot get mad if no one is sleeping and they are keeping you up. We did not sleep over last year we left at like 1 a.m. It's really a lot of fun, we are definitely staying up until midnight to register this week! I always go with her, I don't think I would send my child without a parent. It's pretty crazy and chaotic . Contained but its a lot for a troop leader to manage. This year my daughter wants to sleep over again
Posted 10/17/18 1:50 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by CookiePuss
This will be our 3rd year going. My daughter has not slept over. The first year was a nightmare to get in and the wait time in the cold was terrible. However, last year they updated the check in process and it was easy and quick. You get assigned a hallway to set up in and pack like you are going camping. Out troop has had a lot of fun.
Oh my gosh I remember that first year and people were outside for hours waiting to register. Luckily we were at the front of the line and got in quickly. I loved that they changed it last year that everyone waited inside the mall. It was super quick!
Posted 10/17/18 1:51 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Thanks for the feedback! Besides shopping what other activities are there to do?
Posted 10/17/18 9:12 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Many of the stores have different events, like a fashion show, LL Bean had hands on learning sessions, Sephora had makeovers, as did LUSH. They have several SWAPS stations, one year they did duct tape cookie clipboards, they have a cookie fashion show in center court, a movie, and I forget what else. It's really a great event. I mean, how often do kids get sleepover in the mall after hours!? That would've been my dream growing up
Posted 10/17/18 9:37 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by BargainMama
Many of the stores have different events, like a fashion show, LL Bean had hands on learning sessions, Sephora had makeovers, as did LUSH. They have several SWAPS stations, one year they did duct tape cookie clipboards, they have a cookie fashion show in center court, a movie, and I forget what else. It's really a great event. I mean, how often do kids get sleepover in the mall after hours!? That would've been my dream growing up
Haha true! Thanks for all the info!!
Posted 10/17/18 10:17 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Well that sucked! I couldn't even get the tickets! It sold out in less than 10 mins! Did you??
Posted 10/19/18 12:49 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Girl Scouts
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
Posted 10/19/18 7:08 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
In the process of checking out for myself and 6 girls after getting on at opening and by the time I hit enter with my info, tickets were sold out. I think it's utterly ridiculous that your tickets in your cart are not "frozen" while you are actively entering information. They should be locked for a few minutes.
Posted 10/19/18 8:24 AM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
In the process of checking out for myself and 6 girls after getting on at opening and by the time I hit enter with my info, tickets were sold out. I think it's utterly ridiculous that your tickets in your cart are not "frozen" while you are actively entering information. They should be locked for a few minutes.
Same thing happened to me. I was able to enter all the info and put my credit card in and then when I submitted it said insufficient inventory! I was watching their clock tick down. I did it at 12:01. I don't understand how I didn't get anything! I'm definitely making that suggestion for next year. They shouldn't be allowed to be sold out from under us because someone can type faster or their internet is faster.
Posted 10/19/18 9:26 AM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
I'm so jelly! this is our second year as Daisy's but we didn't know enough to go last year. And now we can't this year. I'm not sure what I can do differently next year to make sure I get tickets.
Posted 10/19/18 9:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Girl Scouts
They have 40k Girl Scouts, and only 2k tickets, so it makes sense that it would sell out fast! I'm disappointed in all the bashing of council posts on FB though. Not very good Girl Scout behavior. You win some, and you lose some. I would be disappointed also, but some are taking it to far IMO
Posted 10/19/18 9:34 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
I'm so jelly! this is our second year as Daisy's but we didn't know enough to go last year. And now we can't this year. I'm not sure what I can do differently next year to make sure I get tickets.
and keep stalking the event page, many people get sick, or have other plans leading up to the event, and offer up their tickets for sale. I've seen it every year!
Posted 10/19/18 9:34 AM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by BargainMama
They have 40k Girl Scouts, and only 2k tickets, so it makes sense that it would sell out fast! I'm disappointed in all the bashing of council posts on FB though. Not very good Girl Scout behavior. You win some, and you lose some. I would be disappointed also, but some are taking it to far IMO
Yea I agree. I also saw it with people that got tickets and their posts weren't coming off too nice to people that didn't get any. I kinda like the saying "say nothing when losing and say even less when winning". Not like it's a game, but you get the idea.
Posted 10/19/18 11:26 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
In the process of checking out for myself and 6 girls after getting on at opening and by the time I hit enter with my info, tickets were sold out. I think it's utterly ridiculous that your tickets in your cart are not "frozen" while you are actively entering information. They should be locked for a few minutes.
Same thing happened to me. I was able to enter all the info and put my credit card in and then when I submitted it said insufficient inventory! I was watching their clock tick down. I did it at 12:01. I don't understand how I didn't get anything! I'm definitely making that suggestion for next year. They shouldn't be allowed to be sold out from under us because someone can type faster or their internet is faster.
I have since learned that a bunch of troops with large numbers bypassed the data entry information by keeping the auto fill of "troop" for last name and the auto fill of the first name of the first person imputed. So a troop of 35 will have 35 attendees with the name "Jennifer Troop"...that is how it sold out so fast. That is why tickets sold out in minutes.
Posted 10/19/18 1:58 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by BargainMama
I got tickets! I knew it would sell out FAST!
In the process of checking out for myself and 6 girls after getting on at opening and by the time I hit enter with my info, tickets were sold out. I think it's utterly ridiculous that your tickets in your cart are not "frozen" while you are actively entering information. They should be locked for a few minutes.
Same thing happened to me. I was able to enter all the info and put my credit card in and then when I submitted it said insufficient inventory! I was watching their clock tick down. I did it at 12:01. I don't understand how I didn't get anything! I'm definitely making that suggestion for next year. They shouldn't be allowed to be sold out from under us because someone can type faster or their internet is faster.
I have since learned that a bunch of troops with large numbers bypassed the data entry information by keeping the auto fill of "troop" for last name and the auto fill of the first name of the first person imputed. So a troop of 35 will have 35 attendees with the name "Jennifer Troop"...that is how it sold out so fast. That is why tickets sold out in minutes.
There was an auto fill option? Ugh I wish we knew this. Well I guess that's my answer for next year then. Thanks!!
Posted 10/19/18 2:53 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Girl Scouts
What FB page is this on? I want to join. (2nd year Daisy leader) and I'm on the Service team, too. We just did part of our journey at the Bx zoo on Saturday, and it was awesome!
Posted 10/22/18 9:26 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by LIRascal
What FB page is this on? I want to join. (2nd year Daisy leader) and I'm on the Service team, too. We just did part of our journey at the Bx zoo on Saturday, and it was awesome!
Girl Scouts of Suffolk County (the mall sleepover is a GSSC event)
Posted 10/24/18 8:33 AM |
* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09 6243 total posts
Name: Gina
Girl Scouts
My daughter had the chance to participate last year as a Daisy and to be completely honest, I thought the whole idea of it was rediculous. It seemed like it was a complete “sell sell sell” event and I thought Girl Scouts was more than that... not to mention being locked down in a mall scared the crap out of me. I heard from friends who went that it was chaotic, lines were out of control and then opted not to stay the night. I heard the girls are up all night long and then you have to get out of the mall by 6am... not my idea of fun.
Posted 10/24/18 11:59 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Girl Scouts
Posted by MaZz
My daughter had the chance to participate last year as a Daisy and to be completely honest, I thought the whole idea of it was rediculous. It seemed like it was a complete “sell sell sell” event and I thought Girl Scouts was more than that... not to mention being locked down in a mall scared the crap out of me. I heard from friends who went that it was chaotic, lines were out of control and then opted not to stay the night. I heard the girls are up all night long and then you have to get out of the mall by 6am... not my idea of fun.
Yeah it's not a sleepover, more of a "lock in". They stressed it last year that it's NOT a sleepover, and emails were sent to leaders stating you cannot "shuushhh" people for talking, and it's not a sleeping event. The first year we thought it would be "lights out", but it wasn't, and many people were mad. And you can get out via the exits at each wing, you just can't come back in, so you aren't really LOCKED in there They had a ton of activities both years we have went. Many swap stations, crafts, the movie, fashion show, demonstrations in the stores, etc. The only selling was the GS shop in center court, and of course the stores that were open. Our kids loved it! In fact, my daughter had a choice between going to an "away" gymnastics meet, or Cookie Palooza this year since they are the same weekend, and she chose Cookie!
Message edited 10/24/2018 12:40:53 PM.
Posted 10/24/18 12:40 PM |