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Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

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My Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 2/09

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Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

Are you doing anything to get some exercise into your daily routine?
Do you take walks? Take the stairs? Play Wii fitness games?

Posted 1/3/11 11:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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HELLO Manolo !!

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I'm a walker - I always have been, but I try to step it up while PG b/c I'm paranoid about gaining too much weight -
I work in the city though, so it's easy for me to run to/from Penn - the office and to walk during lunch -

Posted 1/3/11 11:20 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/10

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I was very into working out until this past summer, then bought a house and didn't have any time. I am not doing anything to exercise now. I have enough trouble going up and down the stairs with my laundry(does that count as working outChat Icon ?)

Posted 1/3/11 11:31 AM

Loving my bundle of pure JOY!

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I have taken my dog out on some very long walks throughout my PG. I had to stop that though around 30 weeks because my back and stomach would start to hurt to the point where it was hard to breathe...I took that as a sign to slow down, haha.

Posted 1/3/11 11:41 AM

My Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 2/09

2831 total posts


Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

Posted by miamimerger

I have taken my dog out on some very long walks throughout my PG. I had to stop that though around 30 weeks because my back and stomach would start to hurt to the point where it was hard to breathe...I took that as a sign to slow down, haha.

i figured i would do this too...take my pooch for some walks, its just been so cold and i feel like a slob lately for not moving around more

Posted 1/3/11 3:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I was a regular gym go-er before getting pregnant, but I no longer go. I was super sick in the beginning and had no energy and I just started coming around. I don't feel like it's the best idea for me to get back into my old gym routine at 24 weeks so I've just been taking my dog for long walks. I hope that I get back into it after the baby is born, but I have a feeling it may just be alot of long walks then too!

Posted 1/3/11 3:55 PM

life is good

Member since 5/05

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

So I read this post earlier this morning, and with it in mind, I walked about 20 blocks (NYC) to get lunch and run a quick errand.

I'm NOT a gym person - - although I've tried and do occasionally like it.

That said, I almost took a cab back to my office after walking the first 10 or so blocks! Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/11 3:55 PM

My Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 2/09

2831 total posts


Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

Posted by LMFitz

So I read this post earlier this morning, and with it in mind, I walked about 20 blocks (NYC) to get lunch and run a quick errand.

I'm NOT a gym person - - although I've tried and do occasionally like it.

That said, I almost took a cab back to my office after walking the first 10 or so blocks! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon
well kudos for you for making that effort and walking! good job!

Posted 1/3/11 4:48 PM

I'm wide awake

Member since 4/09

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

Before I got pg, I did Zumba 2x a week and I also did some bike riding and light running. The month we did the IUI, I stopped all activity – not because I was told to, but more or less bc I was desperate for the procedure to work and I was pulling out all stops. After I got my BFP I waited until my first trimester before going back to any physical activity. Now I am back to Zumba 2x/week and I try to get to the gym to do the elliptical and light weights. I’ve always HATED the gym and it’s tough for me to get motivated to go, but since it’s so cold out, there is not much else I can do.

Once the weather gets nicer, I hope to get back outside and do some walking (my OB doesn’t want me running) and biking if I’m not too big by then. I used to take private instruction pilates and I loved it and was working at an advance level, but it no longer fits with my work schedule. I have a prenatal yoga dvd and I’m waiting for the pilates one to come in the mail. I figure at the very least, if I don’t get myself to the gym, I can try to pop in a video for a half hour.

Posted 1/3/11 5:29 PM

little boy blue <3

Member since 10/10

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I try to walk as much as possible but I'm scared to run/lift weights/etc especially since I didn't do those regularly before. Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/11 5:42 PM

I'm one lucky girl

Member since 11/07

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I chase a 2.5 year old around all day!!!! That's my exercise!

Posted 1/3/11 5:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Team Pink? Whoa

Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I am not doing anything differently, but I've also been put under doctor's orders to basically live like an invalid from weeks 7-present. Had I not been told to restrain from exercise, BD, etc, I probably would still not have done too much exercise. I take stairs when I can because I'm afraid of elevators, do a lot of walking on the weekends with errands and shopping, was regularly dancing before getting PG and am naturally thin so I think I should be in pretty good shape.

Posted 1/3/11 6:36 PM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I walk the dog for much longer then I used to, its the best my lazy a$$ can do, lol

Posted 1/3/11 6:42 PM

I believe in miracles!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I'm a walker also- but because I had some issues in the beginning I was told to bedrest after work... I am now taking it very easy but def plan on taking babygirl out for walks once the weather gets nicer

Posted 1/3/11 6:44 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/09

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I attribute my slow weight gain to the fact that I walk my dog three times a day every day. We don't go very far but I make sure that we are out for 15 to 30 mins a day.

The doc told me I couldn't go on the elliptical trainer because I hadn't been doing it consistently, but I took advantage of the walks with my dog. Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/11 7:31 PM

Me and my Boys

Member since 1/10

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Re: Girls who weren’t gym go’ers before getting pregnant

I do yoga and I take my DS out for long walks in the stroller, however its been so nasty out/roads terrible that I've slacked off a bit. The yoga I do is a pregnancy dvd that I'll just do when DS is napping at home, its very low-key but it helps me stretch/relax more than anything.

Posted 1/3/11 8:17 PM

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