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girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost? dd is 8 months old on monday. she is an absolute joy..but it was so tough in the beginning with her..i said i would never EVER do this again..but now. im thinking of TTC again. i know i want at least 2 children.possibly 3 and i know dh and i wanted them close in age. now the time has come..went so fast..but we are going to try soon..but im was such an adjustment with alexandra that im not sure if i can handle 2..can someone just tell me it will be ok..Chat Icon so confused..i said to myself and my dh..that i know for a fact, in my heart, that my second child could never be as tough as aly was..i know im wrong ..but i hope im right..becasue i couldnt do that again..i dont know im buggin out..any help would be appreciated..thanks girls..

Posted 3/10/07 1:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

it'll be can never imagine how much strength we have as mothers..going from one to 2 is a big adjustment but you can and will do it and it'll probably be the best decision you ever made!Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/07 1:34 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

Posted by JTK

it'll be can never imagine how much strength we have as mothers..going from one to 2 is a big adjustment but you can and will do it and it'll probably be the best decision you ever made!Chat Icon

I couldn't agree more! It's so worth it. Chat Icon We started TTC our 2nd when my 1st was 5 months. We had no idea it would take us 11 months to conceive. Chat Icon If you think you're ready - go for it!!

Good luck!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/07 2:12 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

It wasn't as big of a transition for me going from 1 to 2 because they were so close in age.

I think having the first one - that loss of independence, the amount accessories you need to travel with, etc was harder. WIth the second, you know what to expect in terms of the terrible 2's, the labor, etc.

You absolutely can do it. Thinhk of how many women have more than 1 child. If they can do it, so can you.

Posted 3/10/07 2:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

Posted by My2Boys

Posted by JTK

it'll be can never imagine how much strength we have as mothers..going from one to 2 is a big adjustment but you can and will do it and it'll probably be the best decision you ever made!Chat Icon

I couldn't agree more! It's so worth it. Chat Icon We started TTC our 2nd when my 1st was 5 months. We had no idea it would take us 11 months to conceive. Chat Icon If you think you're ready - go for it!!

Good luck!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ya are so right. i never thought of how long it could take. especially since we got lucky for our dd..on the first try!!! im gonna do it..ok now im excited..i guess everything is still fresh in my head..(pregnancy, labor, middle of the night feedingsChat Icon ) thats what gets you gotta do what you gotta do..Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/07 2:55 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

I'm sort of feeling the same way as you so I don't have any advice but we're planning on taking the plunge a second time anyhow just b/c I don't want her to be an only child so I guess we'll just manage. Like the AP said so many others have done it. We can do it Chat Icon

Message edited 3/10/2007 6:51:30 PM.

Posted 3/10/07 6:51 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

I'm kinda of glad our "surprise" happened when it did....I'm looking forward to getting it all out of the way sooner than later. As to whether or not we go for #3 down the road....debatable.

But...I know that the next 2-3 years will be tough but then both kids will be able to communicate, will be potty trained, etc so I can look forward to so many things.

To me right now, the hardest part is BEING PG while chasing after a 14 mth old. She is very energetic and DH is not home often, so alot falls on me BESIDES being mommy.

Posted 3/10/07 7:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3071 total posts


Re: girls with 2 or more children..can someone give me a boost?

Although it seems overwhelming at first, it does all work out. With regard to timing, my kids are 5 years apart...not how I planned it but how it happened (due to second pregnancy infertility issues).

If I had to do it again I would have them closer, because as another poster said, you're already use to the initial loss of freedom/change in lifestyle. As my Sicilian grandmother use to say in response to people who unexpectedly had children very close in age, "when your at the dance, dance." Trust me it all works out.

Message edited 3/10/2007 7:56:07 PM.

Posted 3/10/07 7:55 PM

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