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Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

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Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

5689 total posts


Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

I have terrible asthma that has been under control for years now. I am taking my meds and I feel great. But, within the last 2 days I've felt out of breath. Not to the point of needing my inhaler, but just short of breath. I am 12 weeks along. Anyone else feel this this early?

Posted 2/23/08 1:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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April Baby Girl is Here!

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Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

hmmm - I heard that it can either get better or worse.

I am staying away from my inhaler. I've been lucky so far, but I don't exercise much anymore, and I try to warm up the car first before I leave in the morning (my asthma is aggravated by cold weather.)

Posted 2/23/08 2:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

805 total posts


Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

I do not have asthma, but I do remember feeling shortness of breath very early on! My Dr. told me it was a completely normal pregnancy symptom....feel better!

Posted 2/23/08 2:35 PM

My life is complete

Member since 9/07

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Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

2 months before I got PG, I was diagnosed with the onset of adult asthma following a nasty cold. Early on in my PG, around 9 weeks I started having bouts of shortness of breath when talking for a long period of time. It has gotten better and I haven't noticed it as much recently, and I haven't used the inhaler since being PG. My BF has very bad asthma, stayed on her meds through her PG, and when her baby arrived early at 26 weeks, the doctors said it was the meds w/steroids that she had been on that helped build the baby's lungs strong enough for survival at such an early age.

Posted 2/23/08 2:47 PM

Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

5689 total posts


Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

Posted by shazza211

2 months before I got PG, I was diagnosed with the onset of adult asthma following a nasty cold. Early on in my PG, around 9 weeks I started having bouts of shortness of breath when talking for a long period of time. It has gotten better and I haven't noticed it as much recently, and I haven't used the inhaler since being PG. My BF has very bad asthma, stayed on her meds through her PG, and when her baby arrived early at 26 weeks, the doctors said it was the meds w/steroids that she had been on that helped build the baby's lungs strong enough for survival at such an early age.

I am also finding that I get the shortness of breath when I talk on the phone/or with people for long periods of time. I also take meds that have steroids in them. The doctor said it is better for me to breath and take my meds, then to suffocate and not get the baby oxygen.

Posted 2/23/08 3:11 PM

My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

i have had asthma since I was really young but I haven't had an asthma attack in 3 years. 3 Sundays ago I felt like I couldn't breathe at all and went to tthe hospital to get 2 treatments. I have been taking my inhaler regularly now and I was on 2 rounds of steroids and a zpack and robitussin. This cough/wheezing/shortness of breath just wont go away. When I saw the doctor the other day, I asked her if my baby was going to have 14 heads from all this meds I was on. She said these meds are safe for preggos and that the amount doesn't really matter. She said that it is more important that I am breathing b/c if I am not getting oxygen, the baby is not getting oxygen.

Posted 2/23/08 3:59 PM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

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Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

My asthma has been under control for a few years now. I stopped taking my daily medication (Advair - a godsent!) before getting pregnant and have been able to go qithout it throughout my pregnancy (although both my pulmnologist and OB said it was fine to take).

I've had a day here and there where I have used my fast acting inhaler (ventolin) and that helped right away.

I felt the most shortness of breath when I had a bad cold and chest congestion around 10 weeks.

Posted 2/25/08 12:54 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Girls with asthma/shortness of breath

Yup, I have it too. My dr. told me it was a normal preggo symptom and to try not to exhert myself

Posted 2/25/08 1:01 PM

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