Well i got yelled at by the high risk doctor today. He was upset that i didn't call my OB about the cramping i was having this weekend and the fact that i had minor specs of spotting last nite. Im a nurse and fear calling doctors esp. at 2 am because they always yelled at me. I know its different because now im the patient and this is what they get paid for but still takes alot for me to call. So i promised i would for now on. I see the regualr ob tommorow so i will run things by him. After all that baby is doing great and scored 8/8 again on his BPP. Of course all the symptoms im feeling on the weekend disappear when we see doc. NST was great this time as well no contractions and no decels this time. Thanks for letting me share. I prolly just took the best nap ever after that appt.