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gym girls

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Member since 6/10

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gym girls

I was doing the gym every night before my BFP. I haven't gone since, one because I'm exhausted, and two because I wanted to wait till 2nd trimester( for my own stupid reason).

Well my sono is next Tuesday, so back to the gym I go.

My question long should I work out. Should I take it easy or just go back to my old routine? is there a limit? I love to jog and love all the machines, just wondering if I should avoid anything. Tia!

Posted 3/29/11 8:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: gym girls

i'm about ready to go back also...
my doc said do about 70% of your "normal" capacity for each individual exercise/machine setting, and try to avoid anything that really works your abs.

Posted 3/29/11 8:36 PM

Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10

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Re: gym girls

im in the same boat but earlier (6w5d). I have still been going but much less frequent and way less than i would normally do. I have been limiting myself but have wondered what can i do once i am in the 2nd tri.

Posted 3/29/11 8:36 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: gym girls

If you don't mind me asking..what does your doctor say about going back?

I know when I was pregnant with my DD, I was going to the gym, had some difficulties and when I wanted to go back, my doctor said she didn't think it was a good idea, since I had been out of it for the past 3 months.

Posted 3/29/11 8:37 PM


Member since 6/10

1592 total posts


Re: gym girls

I didnt ask the doctor, guess I will next week. Hopefully i get a good answer!

Posted 3/29/11 8:40 PM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

5694 total posts


Re: gym girls

My dr. told me today that I can continue to do my normal work out routine but to go alittle easier, no lifting weights, no abdominal crunches and do not let my Heart Rate go above 140 bpm.

Posted 3/29/11 8:43 PM


Member since 3/09

1042 total posts


Re: gym girls

Im an avid runner & gymer - Ugg i was put on semi-bed rest which means work & straight home. Imnot allowed to do any excercise.

I would say do about 60 to 70% of you rnormal workout. Just be careful & dont over-do it. Good luck

Posted 3/29/11 8:52 PM

Mommy's Big Boy

Member since 3/09

2584 total posts


Re: gym girls

i had been on a strict diet and exercise routine for about 4+ months before BFP. My doctor told me I could keep doing what I was doing, but not to get the heart rate too high! I went once after I found out, but have NOT had the energy since then. I'm in the same boat as you...hoping once I'm in the 2nd trimester I'll feel more up to it!

I used to go on the treadmill for over an hour. I'm planning on taking it easy and going for 30+ minutes to at least feel good about myself...if I ever make it back!!

Posted 3/29/11 9:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/10

804 total posts


Re: gym girls

My doctor said no problem to me joining a gym. I just never did due to exhaustion.

Posted 3/29/11 9:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: gym girls

I found out I was pregnant when training for a marathon and OB said no problem.

The 140 bpm isn't used any others say about 60-70% effort. I have a high max HR but i do try to make sure I stay below low 160s.

My trainer had me doing modified abs for during the 1st trimester, but now I only do acute core strenghthening (pulling belly button in, etc)

I still run (much slower - I just can't breathe as easily - I'm about 4-5 minutes a mile slower now! And my weekly mileage is about 1/4 of what I usually do) and lift weights for arms (yesterday was shoulder presses and lateral raises) and leg excercises like squats, steps, lunges, etc.

Having a trainer to modify things for me has been great, especially since he will push me when I would have said I can't do something.

Posted 3/30/11 6:06 AM

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