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Hannah's cute new thing...

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Member since 5/05

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Hannah's cute new thing...

whenever I call her name she looks at me and makes a "huh?" sound. It's the cutest thing and she does it every time.

We also taught her to "high five." She caught on really fast. I need to break out the video camera, it's pretty funny!

What's your DC's "new" thing?

Message edited 7/30/2007 12:11:48 PM.

Posted 7/30/07 12:11 PM
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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Posted by Charly

whenever I call her name she looks at me and makes a "huh?" sound. It's the cutest thing and she does it every time.

We also taught her to "high five." She caught on really fast. I need to break out the video camera, it's pretty funny!

What's your DC's "new" thing?

Aww very cute!

My dd just started saying "Oh no!!!," usually in the right context but blown way out of proportion (like if she can't get a puzzle piece to fit).

Posted 7/30/07 12:14 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

bella's new thing is

"hey guys"...
when she walks into a room.

also "hey, wait for me."

and "ssssh secret place" (for when DH and her "hide" under the comforter and I can't "find" them)

I also taught her how to "raise the roof" this weekend...she even says "what, what" when doing the arm gestureChat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 12:23 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Posted by JessieQ

Posted by Charly

whenever I call her name she looks at me and makes a "huh?" sound. It's the cutest thing and she does it every time.

We also taught her to "high five." She caught on really fast. I need to break out the video camera, it's pretty funny!

What's your DC's "new" thing?

Aww very cute!

My dd just started saying "Oh no!!!," usually in the right context but blown way out of proportion (like if she can't get a puzzle piece to fit).

high five is a fun one...

the oh no like the world is ending crack me up to now endChat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 12:24 PM

My babies

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Very cute. The last two weeks she has been clicking her tongue - cute. Growling - cute, screeching - cute and now grinding her teeth Chat Icon NOT cute. She also says "at" for cat. It's so cute. And Dada in the right context. Mama...not so much.

Posted 7/30/07 12:29 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

In the past couple of weeks, Steven learned to cruise and climb the furniture Chat Icon

He's not extremely verbal. He gives great kisses. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 12:34 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

So cute!!

Hmmmm...Katherine pretty much is always doing something funny to me, but I think her latest one is if you ask her to name her favorite president she answers, "Ha-eee T-uman" which means Harry Truman (problem with "r" I guess). Don't ask! Well, 7 times out of 10 she answers that way; the other 3 times she replies, "wwhhhsssshhhhttt"Chat Icon and then laughs and says, "That's not penant" (which is "Katespeak" for president) I think that reply is the funnier one!!

Posted 7/30/07 1:37 PM

Life is Good

Member since 6/06

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Bridget does the royal wave to everyone. She also takes steps around the coffee table.

Alanna does the itsy bitsy spider motion, claps hands and just started crawling.

Posted 7/30/07 1:38 PM

Our family is complete

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Leah learned how to make bubbles with her mouth. If she is sitting quiet for too long, I look over and she is amusing herself with making bubbles Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 1:45 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

They're starting to get the pat-a-cake thing down a little, they "cluck" when I "cluck" - know that sound?, and if I stand them in the Pack 'n Play they cruise across. Oh, not so cute but they're not always dropping things but throwing them now. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 2:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Molly is into everything and I gently tell her "no no no" in she looks at me and smiles and shakes her head no back and forth. It is so cute!

And not so cute is when Jack tells me "No thank you Mommy, but I just can't do that!"....I suppose I should be happy that he is politely disobedient!Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 2:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

nothing too new...pulling up to standing, sharing his food with us (ok that's a new thing), giving us stuff (like picking up paper on the floor, crawling over, giving it to us and crawling away). Sticking out his tongue but he does that once in awhile for a day, then stops for a few, then goes back...yesterday was a tongue day!

Posted 7/30/07 2:56 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Bella's newest cute thing is that when you clap she wants to help and clap with you. She'll hold your hands as you clap.Chat Icon She doesn't clap on her own though.

Posted 7/30/07 3:01 PM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

These are some of DS's cute things....

DS will give kisses when we ask...

If we ask "how big is Anthony" he raises his arms up and we say "soooo big"

Not new...but every night before I put DS in is crib, we lay on the bed together and I sing the italian song "mama". DS will babble along as if he was sinigng the song too...sooo cute!

Message edited 7/30/2007 3:54:15 PM.

Posted 7/30/07 3:52 PM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

DD says mama all the time - mostly when she wants to be picked up.

Waves hello and bye (sometimes)

Tries to offer me some of her wagon wheels in exchange for my pretzels and hummus.Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 4:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

So cute!!

I guess DH calls me honey alot because I'm no longer mommy.... I'm honey. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 4:09 PM

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

We're all about the raspberries here.

It's a little wet. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/07 4:41 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Everything is "stuck".

Posted 7/30/07 4:46 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

Luva is cruising pretty well. He gives high 5s, he's learned how to wave, and he now dances and hums along with music. He makes TONS of sounds, but he's till not saying any words.

Posted 7/30/07 9:04 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Hannah's cute new thing...

"mamamamamama" so exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 7/30/07 10:40 PM

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