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has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

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My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Olivia was not herself yesterday at all and the night it only got worse. she wouldnt take her afternoon nap (no biggie) and was irritable at night. i ran to get pizza 5 minutes and left her with dh she was uncontrollably crying until i returned. i gave her some pizza waited 30 mintues gave her a bottle and but her down at 8pm to sleep. at 10pm i hear coughing and then crying. i go in her room and and saw 4 red spots on her mattress thinking she had a bloody nose. i freaked out and picked her up right away she started to projective vomit all over her crib. she was coughing becuase she was choking.

it was so scary. i started screaming for dh to come and help. she threw up all over the crib, herself and me. i changed her and then she started again but this time it was a mucus yellow she was throwing up and gagging. she did this about 4 times. i called my neighbor who was a nurse for 40 years and she came over to look at Olivia. There was no sign of a fever and she seemed to calm down except for a little shaking. i gave her pedialite but she didnt want it. gave her another bottle and within 10 mintues she threw it up all over me again. i cleaned her up and changed my pjs and brought her into bed with me. she fell asleep and slept the whole night. i felt so bad for her she was so frightened and so was I. DH said it was food poisoning and went to bed. alot of help he is. anyway i called the pediatrician this morning and she said their is a stomach bug going around.

today Olivia woke up as if nothing happened last night and was smiley and happy as she always is. ate normally and has been fine. its amazing how they bounce back. We were at the taping of the safety segment and there were alot of kids around hope no one elses baby got sick.

Message edited 4/20/2007 4:52:34 PM.

Posted 4/20/07 4:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: has a horrible night with Olivia - tmi

Chat Icon Chat Icon thank goodness shes feeling ok today. im telling you its crazy. everyone and i mean EVERYONE i know with kids is sick. its colds, allergies, ear infection, this stomach virus, its terrible. happy to hear shes ok.

Posted 4/20/07 4:45 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia - tmi

this is the first time she has been sick. ever! except for the runny nose from teething. really scary.

Posted 4/20/07 4:49 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Posted by Corinne

this is the first time she has been sick. ever! except for the runny nose from teething. really scary.

how old is she??? i swear my kids are 4.5 years old and almost 3 and i still panic when they throw up. its the worst. but i guess its something we have to get used to. kids will get sick, and then they get better real fast.Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 4:55 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

15 months old as of yesterday and she was breastfed for the first 12 months.

Posted 4/20/07 5:09 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Poor Olivia. Nothing is worse than a stomach bugChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 5:40 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Thank she got over it quickly.

My little has a stomach bug and it's been very bad. Non stop Diarrhea and some throw up episodes. Won't eat much or drink much and has lost half a pound and fear he may lose more. Has been to the doctor twice this week. I want to take him back on Monday to see if he's lost more weight. At this rate I fear he may be going to the hospital soon.

Posted 4/20/07 6:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

I'm glad she's back to normal. That chokng/throwing up thing is the scariest.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 9:36 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

i spoke to soon. just put her down and she threw up all over me. she ate great today and was back to normal. dh gave her a piece of cheese and i think that upset her stomach. it wasnt as bad as last night but nothing like being thrown up on again. she drank alot of water and took her bottles well all day. gave her crackers, and bread with jam this morning.dinner she didnt want oatmeal but ate cantalop and thats it. we have her 15 month check up monday. ugh

Posted 4/20/07 9:40 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Glad she's feeling betterChat Icon Chat Icon

I'm so not looking forward to the first projectile vomit episodeChat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 9:40 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: has a horrible night with Olivia-stomach bug is going around!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Glad she is doing better today.

Posted 4/20/07 11:54 PM

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