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Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

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So in love!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

I just got this email and was debating about reading it - don't think I willl be.

Posted 7/2/09 4:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

Posted by lorich

Is it just me or is anyone else hungry for a hot dog, hamburger & potato salad?Chat Icon

I would love a nice juicy hot dog & fries!

Just an fyi for fellow HD lovers -- omaha steaks hot dogs are awesome Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 5:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

I will most certainly be eating a cheeseburger this weekend, and I can't imagine eating it well done, Gross!

Posted 7/2/09 5:47 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

FYI, some studies have shown that burgers grilled too long on the grill can cause cancer... something about the grease coming off and charring on the fire and the smoke then containing carcinogens or something.

So, to be completely healthy, everyone needs to learn how to photosynthesize .... Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/09 12:00 PM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

Posted by smdl

I think there are so VALID concerns to be aware of when PG. Just like I would not eat a potato salad that stayed out for 2+ hours. Does anyone eat burgers that stayed out for a while? That's how people get sick. PG or not.

ITA. I think the point is not to eat food that's been sitting out in the heat too long. I can't wait to eat the potato salad I'm making tomorrow and the burgers that DH is grilling! Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/09 1:18 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

sometimes they make you overthink ob said it best, "don't eat it everyday but anything in moderation is fine" - and i should add, dh is fine and his mom admits she ate raw meat by the package while pg! Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/09 2:51 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

Posted by Bean08

Posted by sleepie76

they should have titled it "how to be the most annoying guest at a bbq"

Can you tell me was this salad homemade ?
Was this made with pastuerized eggs or do you have chickens in your backyard ?
Also, could you tell me how long it sat out before it was refrigerated ?

I'll have a hot dog, but only if you can guarantee it's fully cooked.

add to that list...

"please have lots of water for me to drink, cause i can't enjoy any of the other fun stuff the rest of you will be having...."

i'm not bitter, not at all Chat Icon

as long as the water has been properly refrigerated.

Message edited 7/3/2009 4:38:53 PM.

Posted 7/3/09 4:38 PM

Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

Posted by StayForever

I follow my own rules. Rules which are loosely based on my OB's guidelines. I'm a rebel! Chat Icon

So do I!! I cant wait for my well done hot dog (or two Chat Icon ) tomorrow!

Posted 7/3/09 8:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

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Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

You cannot take all of these lists literally on all these websites or you will go insane. Everything in my opinion is okay in moderation. I see know need to drive myself nuts with do's and dont's. Being preggo is a job in itselfChat Icon

Posted 7/4/09 12:11 AM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Has Babycenter lost their minds!?!?!

The points are valid. Just be cautious but dont be paranoid. Its easy when you eat stuff and all is ok but sucks if you eat it and you end up the statistic who gets sick. Just be aware of what you are eating, how its cooked and who cooked it---yes who cooked it---that guest who bought the potato salad who is a friend of a friend may have made it the night before and it may taste off but still good and the next day multiple people get sickChat Icon yup it happened at a birthday party last year.

Enjoy guys but never be careless.

Posted 7/4/09 8:12 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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