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Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Help! I Created a Monster!
Although I'm very happy that Alex sleeps well at night, the reason she does is b/c she is still swaddled. I am in the process of trying to break her of this habit b/c I know she is too old to be swaddled... can I please get some help/advice??? She stirs all night if she isn't wrapped...which means I stir all night TOO!!!
Posted 6/2/06 9:29 PM |
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Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
If she still likes being in the swaddle I see no reason to stop (unless your pediatrician has some concerns). One day she'll decide she doesn't want it anymore and let you know. I thought my daughter would never sleep without the swaddle until one night she wouldn't let me get it on her.
Posted 6/2/06 9:33 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
Why is she too old? We swaddled Miranda until she was 7 months old that's when she kind of broke out of it on her own.
Posted 6/3/06 12:50 AM |

Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
I'm glad to be resassured by you. I thought she was too old b/c we use the Miracle Blanket & it says to stop using it at 14 weeks. I guess b/c they can start to roll over, luckily Alex is a very still sleeper.
Posted 6/3/06 8:11 AM |
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
I swaddled Hayley til she was 5 months but went back to it for a few weeks when she was around 7 months and again stopped because she rolls from her back to her belly in her sleep.
Posted 6/3/06 8:21 AM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
Posted by AndreaLMT
I'm glad to be resassured by you. I thought she was too old b/c we use the Miracle Blanket & it says to stop using it at 14 weeks. I guess b/c they can start to roll over, luckily Alex is a very still sleeper.
So funny Andrea, that Jacob and Alex were born the same day and have the same issue! Still swaddling Jacob here... I've tried many a night to stop, but now that he is putting his feet in his mouth that is all he wants to do if his hands are free. Needless to say, if I want sleep, back in the blanket he goes. He will also sleep almost 12 hrs in it. I wish he could just settle down and I could retire the damn blanket already!! I say continue, until they let us know they are ready...
Posted 6/3/06 9:29 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
Posted by AndreaLMT
I'm glad to be resassured by you. I thought she was too old b/c we use the Miracle Blanket & it says to stop using it at 14 weeks. I guess b/c they can start to roll over, luckily Alex is a very still sleeper.
Trust me Andrea when she is done with the swaddle she will definitely let you know. When it seemed like Miranda didn't really want it anymore we started putting it on her really loose but she will still fall asleep and by morning she was out so little by little we transitioned to the sleep sack because for a while she liked her feet contained but now that its hot she goes down with nothing and basically rolls herself to sleep.
Posted 6/3/06 10:44 AM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
Posted by AndreaLMT
I'm glad to be resassured by you. I thought she was too old b/c we use the Miracle Blanket & it says to stop using it at 14 weeks. I guess b/c they can start to roll over, luckily Alex is a very still sleeper.
14weeks I used the Miracle Blanket until DS was 6 months ....if she's sleeping, keep her in it
Posted 6/3/06 10:56 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
Posted by betty
Posted by AndreaLMT
I'm glad to be resassured by you. I thought she was too old b/c we use the Miracle Blanket & it says to stop using it at 14 weeks. I guess b/c they can start to roll over, luckily Alex is a very still sleeper.
14weeks I used the Miracle Blanket until DS was 6 months ....if she's sleeping, keep her in it
We just recently stopped swaddling Bella at 8 months!!!!!!!!
If she's sleeping, don't mess with it
Posted 6/3/06 11:55 AM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: Help! I Created a Monster!
ditto to what all the other ladies said.
Posted 6/3/06 1:21 PM |